If you had to....

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CSI Level Two
who would you kill off/not be bothered if they left?

For me it'd probs be either Warrick or Sara, they're ok as characters but I wouldn't be too bothered if either of them left. Nothing against the actors, they do a wonderful job but those two characters just don't rock my boat much.

I s'pose I wouldn't be too bothered about Sofia either, I don't think she gets enough screen time as it is so she wouldn't really be missed IMO.
i don't think the show would be the same without any of them ya know because they each bring something different to it but if push came to shove i'd say.......umm...how about judy? lol okay id have to agree on sofia there ya made me do it
I would most likely kill off Warrick, if I had to.
Sometimes he just irritates me. I love him but not nearly as much as the others. No offense to anyone.
I wouldn't really mind if Sophia was gone. Wouldn't miss her much. As far as main characters go, I'd be upset and would lose much interest.

I could also go without Hodges.
I could go without Hodges. Although without him, who else would make us think "just shut up already!"?
I like Sofia, but if they did kill her off I wouldn't be too upset. She is a fairly good character and Louise Lombard is a good actress, but I don't feel that Sofia does too much for the show.
And I agree with you 19ams87, I could do without either Sara or Warrick. Their characters are good, their storylines are good, and the actors do an excellent job, I just don't really pay too much attention to them when they are on the show.
I hope that I haven't offended anyone, sorry if I have. :(
I could go on without Sofia. I don't care if she left or not. She hasn't been on the show much.

The rest of the cast can stay. Hodge can stay, but he can be so annoyed and he tried too hard to get people to like him.

Only Detective I want back are Vartaan and Vega.

There are a lot of eppys where I like her, when she works with nick or greg, but when the whole Grissom thing just irritates me, and I always felt it dragged her character down. There are so many instances where I am just so annoyed by her. I like her, but the least out of the three CSI's, so I wouldn't miss her.
Probably Sofia. The character does not seem to have fitted in anywhere really, most of the story lines would have worked without her and she doesnt really add much to anything.
Probably Grissom ... Just kidding LOL

I would not notice if Sofia was not around. I know she is classed as a main character, none of her performances so far have captivated me like everyone else.
just kidding. :lol:

I don't know, the cast is huge but all the characters are great. If any of our CSIs left the show wouldn't be the same.
That's proably because the main cast has been together for so long. Not many shows can go seven years without lousing an original cast member. They've added characters, like the various lab rats, but we haven't lost anybody major.

I'd have to say maybe Sofia but we don't see much of thease thes days anyow. :(
I guess, Sofia, she really never fit in anywhere, although she had some shinning moments. in "UNBERABLE" and 'ABRTI' and last week's as well, but she kinda of fits in nowhere, most of the time, so maybe she'd have a better chance on another show :(

Does it have to be someone on the opening credits? If not, I want to nominate Undersheriff McKeen. After the last ep, he surpassed Ecklie on my "doo-doo" list.

She actually wasn't one of the "main" characters (she wasn't in the 'Pilot' episode) and I only see her as a love interest now. I hardly see her during the forensics. For instance, during "Big Shots", we did not see Sara until her and Grissom started working together in the car (or rather in the breakroom).

To me, Catherine and Sofia are my favorites and they do a lot to the show. I wouldn't want those to gone at all.
Sara...Lately she's been annoying me a bit less, but I saw PWF again last week which reminded me what I dislike about her.
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