If you could hire...


...someone to do the job(s) you hate the most, what would it be?

Personally, I dislike hoovering, but I think that's because I have such small room, I don't see the point of getting the vacuum out just for that :p And then Dad always does hoovering of the rest of the house anyway.

Also defrosting the freezer - another irritating job.

So yeah, definitely would hire people to do those if I could :lol:

I know I must have some more, but I can't think properly at the moment because it's night time here at the moment :lol:

What about you folks? :)
And who is going to pay her/him?

I'd love to have my own system administrator, we have tons of computers around the house and I really like them, but I'm sick and tired of fixing their problems and having to unwind metres of cable. It started out with one problem, so I learned a bit more about computers, soon I became the expert, now I'm the slave of every person in the whole **** family who has an argument with his or her pc/mac.
I'd hire a maid to clean my house and an accountant for my finances. All I'd have to do is sign the checks! :lol:
I don't know where you live, but you can buy software to do it on your computer. It's not cheap, but I use it and it calculates for me. I like it.
Umm I would hire a nerd to do my homework. And all the aspects of school I don't like.

Oh and of course someone to stand in my place while the parents are mad and yelling.

Oh and someone to carry my bags while I shop.
I would hire someone to do the dishes! I hate dishes! I think they're disgusting! And I get sick everytime I do them! I can literally take anything but that. I can take blood, vomit, anything but the dishes!
If you'd asked me several months ago, I would've answered that I wanted someone to do my taxes, but I got used to it and once you get the hang of it it's not that hard *ignores staring blank faces*

Now I'd like someone who can mend both my bikes.. *sigh* I can't be arsed to fix them properly because they still work, so ok, one of them has the brakes not braking :rolleyes: the other one has the brakes braking all the time, so that you have to get off, kick it and then it works again.. I take that bike when I know that I won't be running into a lot traffic and trafficlights. Please, mend it!! Okay, and worst of all is.. I live above a bicycle repairshop :rolleyes: Heh, that's how lazy I am :p
Can I hire someone to go to school and do my homework for me? :p
that would probably be the most important :lol:
I haaaate ironing !!!
My cat is scared to death of the vacuum-cleaner,he knows that they're evil devices that eat kittens... :devil:

And of course if I could hire someone to do my exams....
I´d hire someone to go running for me. I plan jogging more for so long now. But I always find something more important. :D

Also I´d want somoone for collecting trash and getting it out on street once a week.
I don´t really mind, but I always realize trash must be put outside, when I´m already in a hurry. What a timining. :(
I'd say most of the work that I want done right, I'd have to do it myself and there's a certain satisfaction when you've accomplished something on your own but...Oh heck, I'd hire someone to clean my room, do my homework, cook my food, change the channels on the tv, brush my hair, chew my food... :lol: That's about it.