If WP was to leave will csi survive?

I said yes. I think it does now. The show is so established now and it already showed that episodes can be great without Grissom for example Ellie and Gum Drops.
I don´t think so........
to me what makes the show fun to watch is Grissom and the way he is and interacts with other people.
I´m not saying that the other actors cna´t do it without him but after a couple of eps imo it would just get boring.
I think it might last only one season but no longer. Once people find out Grissom is no longer on, I think the ratings would drop significantly.
i think it wouldnt be the same without him, but i think ppl would still wactch it, after all thy still have marg, and gary etc
Yes it will. The cast and crew will be able to pull it off. I mean we got 6 other main characters, a bunch of talented writers and directors, and dedicated audience. It will not be the same of course, but it'll live.
I think it could survive without Grissom. The other characters are strong enough to carry the show forward. But I have to say it would be different without him.
I personally think it will but THATS only because of my own selfish reason for not liking the character *ducks from stones*
also Gum drops was a great ep without him but I definetly cant speak for everyone
Interesting, the "yes" votes are leading the "no".

I think that Billy has been threatening to leave for so long, that a lot of fans have started to prepare themselves for his departure.
I think it could possibly make it, but with a different direction of sorts. Unlike Miami (from when I did watch it), Grissom lets his guys make their own decisions and actually enjoys watching them fly on their own. WP may have basically prepared/groomed the cast in order to allow this to happen. It may come down to, does the cast want to continue without him?? At least if he has a date in mind, and a decision is made, they could do a big send off....