Lab Technician
Hey everybody,
With the season ending early, and Miami's renewal up in the air, I thought we could discuss some possible plots/story ideas for Season 11 (if there is one...)
Actually, mine would never happen (and may seem more like a fanfic), but I was watching "Dexter" recently and thought it would be cool to see a Horatio Caine vs. Dexter Morgan showdown, or at least some kind of crossover
They mention Miami-Dade all the time, and it would be pretty awesome. :thumbsup: Maybe Dexter can help Horatio see what an emotionless monster he's becoming and stop him from seeking revenge, especially b/c he still has his family.
Actually, Dexter and H do have some stuff in common.
Both shows do a great job showing off Miami and they've even used the same guest stars at times. I just thought interaction between H and Dexter would be cool. Plus CBS does have the rights to show Dexter on regular TV.
However, I know there's really no chance in hell of actually seeing this, so if anyone has any more plausible input/story ideas, let's hear 'em :thumbsup:
With the season ending early, and Miami's renewal up in the air, I thought we could discuss some possible plots/story ideas for Season 11 (if there is one...)
Actually, mine would never happen (and may seem more like a fanfic), but I was watching "Dexter" recently and thought it would be cool to see a Horatio Caine vs. Dexter Morgan showdown, or at least some kind of crossover
Actually, Dexter and H do have some stuff in common.
Both had traumatic childhood events. Second, Dexter's wife was murdered and so was Horatio's, both out of vengence. Both killed their wife's murderer, although Dexter killed Trinity before he learned he killed his wife. Both have a "code" and believe strongly in justice being served. Both have taken the law into their own hands. The only difference is the ritualistic and brutal way Dexter kills his victims. But an interesting character comparison nonetheless.
Both shows do a great job showing off Miami and they've even used the same guest stars at times. I just thought interaction between H and Dexter would be cool. Plus CBS does have the rights to show Dexter on regular TV.
However, I know there's really no chance in hell of actually seeing this, so if anyone has any more plausible input/story ideas, let's hear 'em :thumbsup: