Icon Challenge-CSI's using collection or detection tools.


CSI Level One
CSI's using collection or detection tools (tweezers, swabs, spraying luminol, etc)

3 icons max.
do not post them on here
pm me with them.
put icon and url.
Re: Icon Challenge-CSI's using collection or detection tools

:lol: that's a funny idea!
One question: when is the deadline?
Re: Icon Challenge-CSI's using collection or detection tools

Collection...detection. Man, I had a flashback involving the CSI game. :D

I'm in.
Re: Icon Challenge-CSI's using collection or detection tools

Oh yesss! Spraying luminol! Way too cool! I'm in!
Re: Icon Challenge-CSI's using collection or detection tools

Misery said:
Collection...detection. Man, I had a flashback involving the CSI game. :D
:lol: I'm so with you on that one!

I wasn't going to enter any more icon challenges as soon my studies start again and I'll have limited time. However, considering the number of pics I have to suit this theme - how can I resist! I'm in. :D
Re: Icon Challenge-CSI's using collection or detection tools

Misery said:
Collection...detection. Man, I had a flashback involving the CSI game. :D
I had just played the game when I had to come up with the theme ;) :rolleyes:

I've sent my entries in :D
Re: Icon Challenge-CSI's using collection or detection tools

ok i almost didn't get to enter this one but mine are on the way too :D