Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-ch #15~ Lab Techs - Voting Up!

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Re:Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-Ch 13 Just Murdered ~ Join Now!

13 (do the words came from Sandi Thom's album?)

Great icons everyone...and lots of them! It was not an easy choice.
Re:Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-Ch 13 Just Murdered ~ Join Now!

I'll extend the voting until Sunday since there's quite a few more icons this time around. :)

Happy Birthday CSI_Dani! :D
Re:Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-Ch 13 Just Murdered ~ Join Now!

Voting is now over.

I'll have the results up either late tonight or tomorrow! :D
Re:Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-Ch 13 Just Murdered ~ Join Now!

*runs from the Mod's paint buckets-o-doom* :D

Apologies for not getting the results up, I've been having connection problems for the past couple of days so I should have them up very soon. Sorry! *bakes cookies for all*
Re:Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-Ch 13 Just Murdered ~ Join Now!

*uses only brushes to scare Geni a bit* sorry, hon, the paint is so expensive atm :D

Don't worry, I can completely empathize with you about sucking computers, so take your time! *steels cookies anyway* ;)
Re:Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-Ch 13 Just Murdered ~ Join Now!

After a long wait, here are the winners! Finally!

Challenge 13 - Just Murdered

First Place

by quoth_the_raven

Second Place

by Chez

Third Place


And this time around, we also have the 'Recognition Award' which will go to:


I really loved the clarity and colouring on this icon, as well as the crop. :D Great job!

Congrats to the winners! Banners will be available upon request via PM.
Re:Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-Ch 13 Just Murdered ~ Join Now!

What?!?! I totally forgot I even entered this challenge!! :lol: Thank you so much, everybody! My huge congratulations to Ann, Chez, and Dutchie. Excellent job, all! :D
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