Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-ch #15~ Lab Techs - Voting Up!

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Re:Icon Challenge CSI:Miami - ch 10 Calleigh D ~ Winners up!

New challenge will be up soon. :D
Re:Icon Challenge CSI:Miami - ch 10 Calleigh D ~ Winners up!

*double posts and avoids the flying bricks* :p

New challenge!

Just Murdered

This week, we'll be working with caps from last week's episode, 'Just Murdered'. With that comes a few but very important rules.


-All icons must be 100x100 pixels.
-You may submit up to three icons.
-NO animations.
-Textures, brushes, texts, layers, etc are permitted.
-Use only the pictures provided.
-PM your entries to myself, speed_cochrane.
-Please don't post your entries anywhere on this site until voting is over.
-Deadline is Tuesday, May 1st

And here are the caps you will be using. They're from liten's Random Scribblings Gallery.


Picture01 Picture02
Picture03 Picture04
Picture05 Picture06

Have fun and remember to be creative! (As if that's very hard. ;))
Re:Icon Challenge CSI:Miami - ch 10 Calleigh D ~ Winners up!

:D New Challenge! Great choice, Geni, and great caps to work with :)
Re:Icon Challenge CSI:Miami - ch 10 Calleigh D ~ Winners up!

i've never made miami-icons before but i like the caps and i think i'm in....if it's okay with you :D
Re:Icon Challenge CSI:Miami - ch 10 Calleigh D ~ Winners up!

just a short question: will there be categories? like beginner and advanced?
is it said anywhere and i'm just blind and don't see it? :rolleyes:
Re:Icon Challenge CSI:Miami - ch 10 Calleigh D ~ Winners up!

Steffi, I think for these challenges there's just one category. ;)

Just PMed mine in! I'm super happy with them this time around. Good luck everybody else! :D
Re:Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-Ch 13 Just Murdered ~ Join Now!

speed_cochrane said:
*double posts and avoids the flying bricks* :p

:lol: I think D is the one who throws the bricks, here in the Art Forum we throw with paint buckets :D

A lovely theme with great pics Geni, sadly I can't join this challenge neither, but I took the time to count the number of challenges, cause I was a bit confuzzled - and I think we are already at #13.
If I'm wrong, please correct me - and now I shut up ;)
Re:Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-Ch 13 Just Murdered ~ Join Now!

Vera hun, we're at 12 :p Wide angles was #11 :lol:

I still love you ;)
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