Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

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Re: Icon Challenge

wooo, CSI's in danger? that ought to be fun. somehow i think there will be a crapload of entries with Nick, lol.
Re: Icon Challenge

Sounds great :D Can't wait to get started! Possibly the best theme so far!
Re: Icon Challenge

wahay! you know loads of these are gonna be nick and greg! what better challenge can we have? all the more greg! :D
i'm definitely in!
try and try again eh? :p
Re: Icon Challenge

:lol: wow, you guys are very enthusiastic! :lol:

OK, I send a pm to iloveyou and now we only need to wait a bit for her answer, if she (I really hope it's she...) will run this challenge too or if it will be somebody else.
So till then there is no target date up, but I hope, we will know more soon ;)
Re: Icon Challenge

gsrLOVE said:
Do we send the icons to iloveyou?

Well, we don't know yet.
So you can make your icons ready, but please don't send them to iloveyou yet, cause we don't know by now if she will run this challenge too - she gave me the new theme, but that was it.

I'll come up with new infos as soon as I got them :)
Re: Icon Challenge

opps didn't know that, cuz I sent them to her. Oh well I guess I can re-send them later.
Re: Icon Challenge

Soo, all I have to say is, "I want to enter" and I'm in? I like making icons. I'd like to give this a try, if I can still enter.
Re: Icon Challenge

ILuvJonathanTogo said:
We still shouldnt send our icons in yet, right?

Right! :)
I'm still waiting for some news, but if I didn't hear anything till Tuesday the 12th, I'll run the challenge - but I'm short of time atm, so please bear with me ;)

Oh, edoq this means that you still have time to make your icons for this challenge - welcome! :)
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