Sophia, if real life gets to hectic. I'd be glad to help you with the next challenge, I think I need a break from all the challenges I enter between here and Livejournal :lol:
Aaaaand I apologise again that this is up a bit later than I said, my mom's not been feeling too well and I haven't had time to put this up again sorry.
Okidoki, voting is up!
Voting Rules
*Do not vote for your own icon(s).
*Do not go telling your friends to vote for yours.
*Vote as shown in the example below.
* Also - please vote for 2 icon in the 140x140 category. Please see example below
*Anyone may vote.
Today we have Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced and 140x140 icons. Please place your votes seperately. It makes it easier for me to read them and count them.
Sophia I can help with the voting if you want. You'll just need to tell me what to do oh and I hope your mom and the baby are do well Hugs to everyone.