Icon Challenge #29 - *SUPERNATURAL* - WINNERS UP!


A Daily Anthem
Since Ducky (DaWacko) is always forgetting to put up the challenges I volunteered to run ‘em! :)

First of all I just like to say this is my first time running a challenge so bare with me please! :p

Anyways, this time we'll do “Supernatural” – I don’t actually watch this show but I do wanna see what you guys do with my very random caps! :lol:

Here are the RULES (Snagged from Ducky! Thanks! :p) – please read them carefully before creating your icon and entering it:

[1] You can enter up to 3 icons, using the caps provided above. PLEASE NOTE - if you are going to make more than 1 icon, please use a different image for each one.

[2] You have until 3 p.m. GMT+1 Thursday 22nd May (If you need this extending due to RL (I for one know how this can be) I'd happily extend it for you but you have to let me know ASAP) to complete your icon and submit it. PM your entry to me, shazza_018.

[3] Your icons must be 100x100 pixels in size – it is any bigger, it will be re-sized, and those never look so good. So please make sure to make your icon so it is that particular size

[4] The images can be cropped in any way you like. Be as creative as you wish with this step of your icon-making.

[5] I don’t want to see any vulgar words or phrases in the icons. If there is something in them that can be considered offensive, your icon will not be accepted.

[6] You must use the caps I have provided – don’t go around looking for different caps from the same film/TV show or a very similar one. If you don’t use the cap I’ve provided, your entry will not be accepted.

[7] No animated icons

[8] If you need or would like help with making your icon, there is some in FanArt forum.

[9] Most importantly, as this is an anonymous competition like the photo ones, YOU MUST NOT POST YOUR ICONS HERE. If you do, it will be disqualified. This is make sure that the voting is unbiased, and so everyone has a fair chance of winning a banner.
Your finished icon should be uploaded to your own Photobucket account (or similar) and then PM the link to me (shazza_018). Winners may each receive a banner, more info about it is given after the results.

Okay here are the caps, please use the caps provided ONLY! THANKS!:


Any questions, please feel free to post them here, or PM me.

IF YOU ARE A NEWBIE AND CAN NOT PM ME. Could you please email me your entries at soficoolj @ hotmail.com - please enter in subject that you are from talkCSI so I don't just mark your post as a spam. (I also use MSNmessenger on that account so just check if I’m online and you can send me it through there)

MOST IMPORTANTLY - Have Fun!! and I hope you guys and gals like the theme! :)
I hope I did this right Ducky! :)

Could one of the Mods please sticky this topic for me! Thanks!
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Re: Icon Challenge - *SUPERNATURAL* - Now Open


Seriously? Seriously? Seriously?

I love you. Awesome caps!
Re: Icon Challenge - *SUPERNATURAL* - Now Open

I've never seen the show *ducks flying objects* but I am starved for challenges since the others are on break. In other words, I'm in! :D
Re: Icon Challenge - *SUPERNATURAL* - Now Open

oh yay! *loves you too* i'm so in on this one, can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.
Re: Icon Challenge - *SUPERNATURAL* - Now Open


I tink I might just join. :devil:

Awesome selection of pictures... AWESOME TOPIC! :drool:
Re: Icon Challenge - *SUPERNATURAL* - Now Open

ehehehe Glad you all like the theme! :D

speed_cochrane said:

Seriously? Seriously? Seriously?

I love you. Awesome caps!

Love you too Geni, I take all that means your in lol?!

wolfesgamergirl said:
I've never seen the show *ducks flying objects* but I am starved for challenges since the others are on break. In other words, I'm in! :D

No worries, Sara - I don't watch the show either but I thought it'd be interesting to do

Happilyhappy said:
Awesome selection of pictures... AWESOME TOPIC! :drool:

Hehe, thanks, I must admit I did try and choose a few caps from all the seasons but in the end they were totally random, atleast IMO lol

I've got a few enteries from someone already, can't wait to see the others :D
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Re: Icon Challenge - *SUPERNATURAL* - Now Open

Yes, looks great :D
My days were pretty much "oh, Icon Challenge...I think we'll do that" and then I forgot it and then Mondays changed to Fridays and so on :p

I just add Icon Challenge # to the thread title
Re: Icon Challenge - *SUPERNATURAL* - Now Open

If I can find the time I'm in. As I have to open PS anyways, I might sneak one or two icons in ;)
Re: Icon Challenge - *SUPERNATURAL* - Now Open

shazza said:
Love you too Geni, I take all that means your in lol?!

Of course! :D How can I pass up a Supernatural icon challenge, heh.
Re: Icon Challenge - *SUPERNATURAL* - Now Open

Ok if I get time i'll be having a go Shazza :D

......Another exam over today :D
Re: Icon Challenge - *SUPERNATURAL* - Now Open

Hehe, thanks, I must admit I did try and choose a few caps from all the seasons but in the end they were totally random, atleast IMO lol

Ironically enough, you did get every season covered, whether you meant to or not. :lol: It doesn't matter that they are random, they are still awesome photos. For someone who doesn't watch the show, you choose some INTENSE scenes. :lol: