Icon Challenge #15: House M.D - WINNERS UP!

Re: Icon Challenge #15: House M.D

^ That's up to you to decide ;) if you're experienced with programmes like Photo Shop and Paint Shop Pro and have made loads of icons before, then you might want to enter at the advanced level. If not, then you may want to enter beginner :)
Re: Icon Challenge #15: House M.D

Sent mine in last night already. I can't wait to see them all, and wibbsy, once again, LOVE the theme.
Re: Icon Challenge #15: House M.D

lol, OMGee that was funny, the last cap! Oh dear, now Im gonna have to make a whole new set of caps! A-ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Re: Icon Challenge #15: House M.D

Some serious theme love going on here! :)

I've never seen House, but Hugh Laurie does have a very interesting face, so I will see what I can come up with from the great caps. I used to love him in Blackadder, wow that was a while ago... :lol:
Re: Icon Challenge #15: House M.D

We had some Canadian students staying with us, who had a few episodes of House on their laptops. I watched a few House episodes and showed them the BEST of CSI.

So, I have watched some House. But, my icons may not be that great....
Re: Icon Challenge #15: House M.D

For those who haven't send their entries yet.. I'll be away for two days so don't wonder if you get no reply.
Re: Icon Challenge #15: House M.D

y'all know what? i actually sent mine ;) s'been a long time since i last participated in an icon challenge, i have completely no time for anything those days.

can't wait to see them all :D