Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith- WINNERS UP!

Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

Hmmm, hot man or something completely random...... :confused:

Well, I have never been here for a random one, so I would definately join in! But, who I am kidding, I'll join in no matter what. ;)

I'm sad I missed the cows challenge, they have such pretty faces.
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

What about Jake G.(yllenhaal)? sissi would like that for sure.
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

:lol: Great job Macayla. Maybe we should just make it that the first place winners of each comp aren't allowed to enter into the one directly after it ;)

But well done to Roos and Saranna too! All the icons were excellent :D

I don't normally get into icon comps (I don't even have photoshop, hehe) but #22 of the beginners' section was mine. Entered after a certain ducky character blackmailed me to participate (DENY IT ALL YOU WANT, YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE :p)

Well done, scribble for finishing your thesis! *throws confetti* ...As for the next challenge...how about Colin Firth? :devil: To see so many icons and pictures of him...Oh God...*drowns in own drool*

PS: ziggystarduzt wanted me to let y'all know she wants the next comp to involve Tom Selleck (AKA. Magnum PI/Dr. Richard Burke from Friends)...*whistles and saunters casually away before running for her life*
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

Congrats to the winners! :lol: especially Macayla :lol:
Mine were numbers... um... oh heck, I don't remember, and I'm too lazy to go look :D
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

PS: ziggystarduzt wanted me to let y'all know she wants the next comp to involve Tom Selleck (AKA. Magnum PI/Dr. Richard Burke from Friends)...*whistles and saunters casually away before running for her life*
MWAHAHAHA, ziggy, did you finally develop an addiction to Da Mustache? lol i knew it. i fully agree on a Tom Selleck challange. David Haselhoff and Kit (or is it Kid?) would do too.

and of course big congrats to all the winners and especially to Macayla. you did an awesome job, as always :)

can't wait for the next challange!
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

^It was KITT ;)

I know these things :p
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

MWAHAHAHA, ziggy, did you finally develop an addiction to Da Mustache? lol i knew it. i fully agree on a Tom Selleck challange. David Haselhoff and Kit (or is it Kid?) would do too.
She'll try to deny it, but she totally fangirls the man.

As for +The Hoff, how about both of them?


Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

The Hoff?... are you guys winding me up? :p

Jake is great choice :D I'll add him to my list ;)
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

Jake is a way better choice than those other two guys :p

Colin Firth would be awesome too :D
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

Colin's cute too! :) But I can't say that, cuz' then I'm being chased by some person named wibble.
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

Oh right, Mrs. Darcy! :lol: Colin is CUTE! *starts running from Wibble* :p
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

Do you try to distract wibbsey with all this Colin Firth talk?

Mmm... he's yummy.
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

How dare you flirt with my hubby! :eek: *runs after Roos and Macayla*


But yes, we must do Colin Firth at some point...*drool* :devil: I feel P&P coming over me! :lol:
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

wibble said:
The Hoff?... are you guys winding me up?
No way! We're totally serious. But Tom Selleck is a higher priority :p

wibble said:
How dare you flirt with my hubby! :eek: *runs after Roos and Macayla*


But yes, we must do Colin Firth at some point...*drool* :devil: I feel P&P coming over me! :lol:
Oh no you didn't.

He is SO mine :mad: As Darcy he can be yours, but as Colin he is mine.

Ahem. But yes, Colin Firth icon challenge FTW! Whereas the only one doing him at some point - will be me ;)
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

Well Done guys...
Great work..
And big wooowhooing Macayla Uber Icon Maker! You Rock sweetie.