I need help finding a specific scene

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I'm looking for a scene where the team is sitting around a table and then Grissom comes in through a door and says something (anything at all).

If this isn't available, one where Grissom was there all along would also be acceptable.

If anyone knows of any such scene, please let me know :)

I am guessing you are talking about pictures, so what I am going to do is send this to "Fan Art" for this request.
Please move it back where you found it

Nooo I meant the scene. From an episode. Tell me which episode and about when in the episode the scene is. This is no way fan art.

PS Put it back please, I don't see why anyone would even look in fan art. :confused:
Re: Please move it back where you found it

:lol: OK, because you're looking for a specific scene and no Fan Art as you mentioned (though a lot of people are visiting our beloved little Forum *pats Forum ;) ) I'll send it back to the CSI Forum (my first attempt on this, beware everyone! *hides* )
Re: Please move it back where you found it

NeoDement said: Nooo I meant the scene. From an episode. Tell me which episode and about when in the episode the scene is. This is no way fan art.

PS Put it back please, I don't see why anyone would even look in fan art. :confused:
It was sent to fan art because sometimes people ask for scenes based on pictures (AS I stated) that would be the best place to get that help.

In this case to be more specific you are looking for a Name of an Episode that has the scene in which you are looking. In which case your question should have went into the thread for "Episode/Character Question" that is located at the top of this forum.

Thank you cinegirl for returning this I am guessing it is now straightened out, tosses Art forum some cookies. ;)
Re: Please move it back where you found it

*catches cookies* Aw, how sweet! Thanks D and it was me a pleasure (I'm glad it worked :lol: )
Re: Please move it back where you found it

Well I don't know what episode, I was hoping one of the members had an enyclopaedic knowledge of CSI episodes, or just happened to have recently seen such a scene.

Re: Please move it back where you found it

When you say "everybody" else is there, you mean the whole team? And does it have to be one where Greg is there or can it be before?

You want a screencap or you just want to find it in an episode?
Re: Please move it back where you found it

there is few episode where Grissom come when the team is around a table so can you please be more specific please, with the theme of the episode or maybe something that happen during the episode.
Alright guys lets help NeoDement out here what I am going to try an do is narrow it down a bit and NeoDement please correct me if I am wrong

Descriptions of Episode scene
You are looking for the name of any episode in which
1. has the whole team sits around a table at the same time and Grissom walks in saying something to them. -- or --
2. Where a scene may open where Grissom and the Team are sitting around the table already talking.

Okay so if this is correct LV folks think back in your mind catalogs looking for one of the descripts above. It can not be that hard also it might be best if you can do this to give the Name of the ep, the season it was in as well.

Also NeoDement do you mind us asking why you need this scene/episode name?

So folks do your investigation and solve this request/question with your knowledge (note this isn't a game but an actual need of help).
Seems like there were quite a few in Season One, back when Grissom would hand out assignments. Sooooo...

In "Cool Change" he comes in and talks about Holly and hands out assignments. I don't think they're all sitting at a table, but they're all there.

Same thing in "Sex, Lies, and Larvae". They're all in the breakroom when he comes in, but they aren't at a table.

Hope that helps. I'll try to think of some more.
Thanks Destiny and Smokey

Thank you Destiny, that's exactly what I'm looking for. The scene will be used in a short parody vid (don't worry, I'll try to make it tasteful :p)

And thank YOU Smokey! I'll check those two out tomorrow :)
Re: Thanks Destiny and Smokey

OK, I'm trying to help too, cause I can clearly remember such a scene: Gil coming in or already standing in front of the others who are sitting at a table and he starts to assign jobs. But I can't remember the episode, jeez!
But perhaps try season 04 episode 07: "Invisible Evidence" where Warrick caused a procedural error and the rest of the team has to jump in.
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