I Need Clarification....

Discussion in 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation' started by irishangel88, May 23, 2007.

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  1. irishangel88

    irishangel88 Civilian

    May 23, 2007
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    I'm confused on something... I watch CSI pretty avidly, and I'm sorely confused on how Natalie, the miniature killer, and Grissom are connected. I know it's taken awhile for Grissom to admit how he feels for Sara, but what is the connection between Natalie and Grissom? From what I'm picking up, Natalie somehow holds Grissom responsible for the death of someone and so she's avenging for him on Sara, if that makes any sense... I'm just baffled. If someone could clear this up for me, that'd be great.
  2. gsrLOVE

    gsrLOVE Pathologist

    Feb 20, 2007
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    Before this gets locked (I will also advise you to post any future questions in the tacked forum "LV Questions" above. I know it's called something a bit different, but yeah anyway..)

    So why is Natalie going after Grissom?

    Natalie began killing, for what reason we are still unsure (But from what I've gathered is because of Bleach.. But we may know different by the premiere :))

    Ernie Dell (Her foster dad) told Natalie to stop murdering these people, so he'd end it.

    He killed himself, and therefore; Natalie blames Grissom for the murder of Ernie. Obviously she didn't realize Ernie commited suicide to help her.

    Now, Natalie went after Sara, Grissom's love- because "he took away" her only love (Ernie).

    Make any sense at all? Hope I helped.
  3. Dynamo1

    Dynamo1 Head of the Swing Shift

    Sep 27, 2004
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    Does this mean that Clorox and other bleach manufacturers will have to have a warning from the government on their packages that their product may lead to random acts of violence?
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