I met Gary tonight!!!


So I have a friend who works for this limo/driver service. He calls me at work today and says, "What show is Gary Sinise on?" and I'm like, "He's a main actor of CSI:NY... whhhhyyyy?" And my friend goes, "Oh, I'm his driver all day today and I'm taking him to the airport tomorrow." So I'm like totally freaking out here.

What happened is, Lt. Dan Band played at the Kaneohe Marine Corps. Base in a free concert. I didn't get to go 'cause I was working and only found out today. I REALLY wanna see his band in concert :( Anyways, he says he can't get me an autograph 'cause of professionalism. But he told me what hotel he was staying at and around what time they would be arriving back. So my friend comes with him and we wait infront of the drop-off area. And in pulls up the car, (which I almost missed 'cause he told me it was a limo...)and out pops the band... and Mr. Sinise! I swear I thought I was dreaming! :eek: So they unload their instruments, and I very slowly and shyly walk up to him. I didn't even wanna ask 'cause he had his hands full and looked VERY tired. But I figured this would be my only chance and the worse that could happen would be a "no". So I asked if I could have a picture with him. And he looked around and said, "Sure." So the bellhop took our pic and I said "Thanks" and said that I was a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY huge fan of CSI. He smiled at that 'cause I swear to god I think I'm the only one who recognized him from the show in this entire state. He said, "Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy the show." And I said thank you to him again and walked away.

OOoooooohhh soooooooooooo happy and excited!!! I still cannot believe I met him. Oh, and my best friend told me it was on the news about him playing on base and they interviewed him. I'll see if I can find it online or sometimes they re-air the news and I'll tape it if someone can put it online for me.

Here's the pic...

What a wonderfull story!

And I think it was wise to ask, since it's probably a once in a lifetime change to talk to him in person AND take a picture with him. :) And he's a great guy for taking the time while he was tired.
Lucky you!..I'm happy you met him!...I wish I had that opportunity too!..That must have been an amazing experience! :D
Thanks for your story CSI808 :)
You're so lucky meeting Gary :) I'm very happy for you ;)

Hope one day I'll meet him too :D
Oh-you lucky girl! I can't wait to see the pic! It was so sweet of him to take it with you even though he seemed tired! :)
That's great! :D I'm sure it was a wonderful experience, one that you'll be replaying in your mind a thousand more times. And it's always good to hear that these actors are really nice people.

Damn, you're making me wish I'd said something to him when I met him backin September... ;)
CSI808 said:
Anyways, he says he can't get me an autograph 'cause of professionalism. But he says, "He's staying at the Halekulani... and I'm bringing him back from his gig at about 10:30pm"
If he still has his job tomorrow, I would be surprised. Having worked in hotels for 25 years, I know not to give out information about our guests. The same goes to people working in the limo, restaurant, clothing, spa, or any other profession.

I am glad you got to see Mr. Sinise. But giving out this info jeopardizes your friend's job.
Cool story!

You must be grinning like a cheshire cat today :D

I don't think your friends job will be jeopadised, I've got a few contacts myself in the hotel/security/chauffer and similar services through following my favourite band, as long as the infomation doesn't get into the wrong hands your fine.

I'd even imagine that Gary himself wouldn't have had a problem if he ever found out how you knew he was there, you clearly aren't a threat and I'm sure he was pleased he met an avid fan like yourself.

Dynamo1 Although I'm sure you didn't intend it, your post came across a bit heavyhanded, unduly making CSI808
guilty and potentionaly responsible for their friend loosing their job (which they won't)

The infomation about Gary being in town was on the news and no one could ever prove where she got her information from.

She ain't the first to get any kind of inside information and she sure as hell won't be the last, so lets just all be happy for her :D
Hell, My favourite bands driver has my cell phone number and give me a bell when he knows they're near my neck of the wood so I can go down and see them if I want. No Harm Done :D