I have a question for you guys!!!

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Hey Everyone I have been reading the post on this site all season and one of the most constant complaints (for lack of a better word) is either the danny lindsay relationship or just Lindsay in genral. Now let me start by saying I like the Danny/Lindsay relationship and Lindsay. But why do you guys hate her and/or their relationship?? You guys don't seem to hate the Mac/Peyton relationship or Sara/Grissom on Vegas, Eric/Natalia on Miami (even though their not together anymore) or Horatio marrying Eric sister on Miami. So is it just they way its written or what.
I do think Lindsay isn't the best character on NY, and that the writers really drop the ball on her big "secret" but overall I really like Lindsay and I think her and Danny are really cute together.
Well I was just curious people are always complaining about Lindsay but I never really read why you hate her and I was just wondering because I like her and I like Anna. I think she a good actress, and if she sux as much as some people say she does just image howe bad the other 1,000 people who also auditioned for Linsay must have been.
This was just something that was bugging me for a while so I thought I'd just ask.
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