I Can't Believe It #4

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I can't believe how slow the board has been running for me most of the day. Hmmm, maybe the server needs some love...*throws energy cookies at the server*

P.S Congratulations Jayne :)
wibble said:
I can't believe how slow the board has been running for me most of the day. Hmmm, maybe the server needs some love...*throws energy cookies at the server*

Can't believe that too ! A couple of times last week it takes ages to switch from pages....

**Huggles server, say some lovely words**
I can't believe how tired I am.

I can't believe I should be doing my hair..

*looks at clock* :eek: alright.. train leaves in half an hour, I should really be doing other things now.. like getting dressed and stuff.. :rolleyes:
saras_girlfriend said:
I can't believe I have over 34,000 posts at another messageboard, I have no life :p

:eek: How do you get that many posts? You must have been a member of it for years!

I can't believe the above ^^

I can't believe that I am actually enjoying taking phone calls in the office :D
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