Hypathetical Question

No. I would stay here. I wouldn't be able to leave my family. Even though they obviously wouldn't be my "real" family, they'd be all I ever knew.

Also, why was I dropped off onto Earth? Does that mean my family wanted a better life for me here? That could mean the planet I'm from isn't a nice place to live and I'm on Earth for a reason, because it's a much safer place to live.

...I thought about this too much.

I don't think I would go. Especially not knowing anything about my planet of origin. Though I'd be curious to find out from whence I came that would be far too much change and risk for me. I mean what if it ended up being a planet without seasons, or the sun, or coffee? Not to mention I really enjoy this planet and my family and friends on it.

I'd be way Ok with visiting, but a one way ticket? No thanks.