Hypathetical Question


Here's an interesting hypothetical for you guys. If you were to discover that you were an alien dropped off on this planet at birth but could go back at any time would you? If you leave you can't come back or ave any contact with people here.
Interesting idea...
As a person who has moved several times, I would have to say no. I would stay here. I hate the idea of giving up everything in your life, and moving away from your friends and family. Even though I'm moving back to my city of birth in September, I'm going to live with family I don't get to see very often, and I always have the option of coming home if I want to. So if I was given the chance to leave earth, but told I could never come back, I'd stay right where I am.
And besides, who knows if they'd have CSI on the planet I end up on. :p
Well, it might depend upon the planet from which I came. I would have to know a bit more about it. But I think my home planet, Krypton, is no longer there and I... OOOPS. Said too much.
No, I would stay here on earth, just for the fact that I don't like traveling to another country/state/city etc, so going to a completly different planet wouldn't work for me. Decides, don't know if CSI would be available ;) and I don't think I could survive without my country music.
Hmm.. I left my hometown when I was 18 and moved to the capital of my country. I have moved in one month 3 times, and every two weeks I pack my bags and visit my hometown (it's a two hour drive from where I currently live). When I come back here my clothes stay in my suitcase. So my answer is: I wouldn't leave Earth for good, but I would definitely visit the planet of my birth, just to get a glimpse of what I missed and to appreciate what I have here. I'd stay here on our lovely Earth because I can't survive without my friends and family and the other little things that make life worth while.
Here's an interesting hypothetical for you guys. If you were to discover that you were an alien dropped off on this planet at birth but could go back at any time would you? If you leave you can't come back or ave any contact with people here.

Did I discover anything else about my planet of birth other than the not being able to come to Earth again thing? I mean, how would I know what I would be going back to? :klingon: :vulcan: Too many questions, not enough answers... Oh, and I quite like my current family and friends, my sister would for one would not be impressed if I never came back, not to mention my husband (well, he might not be as bothered but you get my point). :lol:
Elsie if he wasn't bothered, we would be. ^_^ I just couldn't pack up and leave for good, you never get used to starting over.
I would never go if I can`t come back.

I like traveling and I think that I will live in some other country when I finish university, but I will always have an option of coming back to my friends and family.
I'd be tempted to go back but I have all my family and friends here which I could never leave. So, I'd definitely stay here.

Interesting question. :lol:
Here's an interesting hypothetical for you guys. If you were to discover that you were an alien dropped off on this planet at birth but could go back at any time would you? If you leave you can't come back or ave any contact with people here.

I'm a pretty curious person, I'd probably go to the alien planet even if it meant I couldn't return to Earth. There would probably be so many things to explore and so many questions needing answers. Although I'd be a bit worried that my alien counterparts might not accept me or that the society in which they live is undesirable. Of course there's an equal chance that they'd welcome me with open arms and they're a just, fair people.

Did I think too much into this? Yes. :cool:

I hope this alien planet has McDonalds. Mmmm McRib. :drool:
I'm an uber curious person. Moving to an Alien planet sounds awesome though. But...can they tap into earth satellites so I can watch CSI from all the way over there? :)
I would stay on good ole' earth. It takes too much effort to start from scratch. And I am lazy. :)
Definatly a good question.

I'd have to say stay here.Everything you know is here and if you cant come back.... plus they might not have csi :lol: But I do agree, Im probably too lazy :p
Well, now that all depends on if I had any special abilites on Earth, that makes me special, unique, but back on my home planet I'd just be boring old me...

I dont know, sometimes one must go far to find themselves, when at other times all you need to do is open your eyes.
