How old are You?

Posted by CSIri:
Posted by DaWacko:
Posted by CSIri:
Posted by DaWacko: auntie has b'day on the same day too it's so weird to shake hands with her "Happy birthday! Thanks, same to you"
So..I guess we have big party here then. I prefer daytime of the 7th of my time because who knows where I'll be and what condition in the evening :lol:
You'll be passed out drunk in a ditch somewhere with your pants down on your knees! Am I right? :D :lol:

:eek: NO! The only place I ALWAYS pass out is my own dear bed :p
I could really picture you abandoned and passed out in a ditch somewhere :p :lol:

LMAO! One of my friend told that she has once passed out in the bush of her school's yard. That she thought she was in her own bed, sleeping until her cousin came to wake her up and tell "wtf you sleep in that bush!" :lol:
HAHA! :lol: I'm proud to say that I have never passed out.. but I had to be carried home once, and then the guys who carried me dropped me on the road so I hurt my knee :lol: That was rather embarrassing :p
I've once totally passed out (note: never drink mixed drinks where 60% of the drink is 40% vodka in less than two hours) and I was sleeping..then I woke up when someone gave me a beerbottle..I opened it with my ring ( I was official bottleopener with my ring), gave the bottle back and next time I woke up 3h later :p
Oh god..I wish it was ONLY vodka.. but I had mixed like 4 different booze in it :| and drank really fast... :p
I'll alyways end uop to be alone in tequilla shots contest with my friends :('s one of the cheapest drinks in bar.. but I think at the moment I'm in the bad shape with drinking because I was kinda out of money last years.
I hate to be short on money, specially during the weekends when we're going out and stuff. I can't count on others to pay for my drinks all the time :p
Oh well..I guess better leave this topic since here is underage people *waves at everone who is under 18 or under legal drinkign age*
*waves at Siri*
Like you didn't drink when you were under age Sanna :p
Back to topic then I'm 17 years and 262 days old actually :p yay
lol then i spose that makes me 13 and 360 days :D :lol: :) :cool: ;) :p or sumthign liek that anywasy, icant be bothered doing the math