How old are most CSI fans?

Do you agree with Matt Roush?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • No

    Votes: 11 20.4%
  • I fall somewhere in the middle

    Votes: 26 48.1%

  • Total voters
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Out of curiosity, which age group does most CSI fans belong to?
As for me, I just turned 20. Tar
I´m 31.
I became interested in CSI last year when I did a course in forensic psychology (I work in psych). But what kept me watching was Sara - she´s an interesting and complex char. imo. :)

Glad to see other "older" fans here too :lol: I guess this series appeal to all ages.
31 also started watching all three of them at the beginning, it was the eps that keep me interested, as soon as it looks like its gonna be predictable, there is a twist in there that you saw coming but didn't think would happen, or you didn't see coming at all.

*On another note is this voting for "ALL" CSI shows, or Just LV show?*
I'm sorry but that scale is bit strange... 11-20
I'm 20 so I don't know is it because I don't want to be in same category with 11yrs old :lol:
Ok, it must be a thing because I am 31 also. I just got hooked last year, but now I am completely addicted.

Posted by calleighdelko:
im only 13 :)

Well, now I feel old. My oldest son is almost six, so in only seven years he will be on the net discussing scientific shows, that thought is depressing to me.

13 Huh, when I was 13, we were still using DOS programs in high school computer class.

Posted by shacky20:
Posted by calleighdelko:
im only 13 :)

Well, now I feel old. My oldest son is almost six, so in only seven years he will be on the net discussing scientific shows, that thought is depressing to me.

13 Huh, when I was 13, we were still using DOS programs in high school computer class.


I'm more Windows 3.11 kids but used a lot DOS (of course DOS was used alot back then) and still know a lot of DOS commands :D
I think we have pretty wide scale here.
Shacky Got one on you there, you feel old techinqually i am older then you by 1 month and 8 days
:lol: feeling better now :D

Course not sure about foxrox, no birthday listed.
Posted by Destiny:
Shacky Got one on you there, you feel old techinqually i am older then you by 1 month and 8 days
:lol: feeling better now :D

Course not sure about foxrox, no birthday listed.

Ah Yes Destiny, technically you are older than me then, but I have a five and three year old, and as you stated in the 'Louise Lombard Congrats' thread, you don't have any kids yet, so that ages me by at least five years! :lol:
Some days more than others!

Let's just say that the show appeals to people of all ages!

Okay Kelly you have me there, i don't have kids, but i have 2 neices, 3 nephews. (13, 12, 2 @ 10, 6) :lol: the 2 @ 10 one belongs to my sister (a girl) and one to my brother (a boy) born 5 months apart, those pregnancies, together made me hold off having any :lol:
So basically were about the same age no matter how we look at it, as with my siblings their like 3-5 yrs at times :lol:
Well, I think you deserve something for having that many neices and nephews, at least an honorary mention. :lol:

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