How Does Season 6 Rate?


Funnier in Enochian
Super Moderator
With the new year ahead of us, I thought it would be fun to take a look at season 6 thus far. How does this season rate in your books? (Because 6.13 has not yet aired, any information about it should be in a 'Spoiler Code'. However, it's hard to rate something that has not yet aired so it would be rather futile. ;) I placed it in the poll for when it does air)

Remember to elaborate your responses! (Apologies for the poll not starting for an hour, but it takes too damn long to fix it. :eek:)
I found after watching Dangerous Son, that my interest in the show, became less. The story line itself was poorly done.
As I tried to follow the epi's in the following weeks, I found myself less thrilled to turn the TV on that channel, monday night.
I think the only other Epi, I watched completely through was "Stand your Ground". To be honest, I have not watched any Epi's since then. The story line's just don't do it for me anymore. :(
Warning: long post alert. :D

Question 1: Season 6 so far?

Answer: Fair. So far, the season has been no better then the previous seasons and, if it existed on its own, it would be great because I wouldn’t be comparing it to the previous season which I think were better. The only quibble I have about the new season is the cases, they are too ‘samey’ and either really predictable, or completely unrealistic (yes vaporizer and fire proof H I'm looking at you).

Question 2: Great episodes? Okay, lets go.

First I went to ‘CSI: My Nanny’, simply because we got something about characters other than H. Learning even just that little bit more about Calleigh’s childhood and Eric’s future plans reminded me that these characters actually live rather than just existing like they seemed to have been doing. It made them that little more human and 3D which CSI Miami seems to have forgotten how to do.

Secondly, I chose 'Stand your ground' because, as a EC fan, I liked the Eric/Calleigh moments, but I also liked the structure and character development. I mean, we got to see mad Calleigh AND sad Calleigh, that's not an every day occurrence. The only thing I didn’t like about this was the complete lac of Horatio/Calleigh communication. I still don’t understand that at all.

I didn't choose a third, mainly because I feel the other episode have not stood out to me. I haven't connected with the cases, or the characters, and unfortunately, the episodes centered on Horatio have made me dislike him more, rather than empathize with him. I’ve lost the ability to connect with the victims and I’m not 100% sure why this is. With the earlier seasons, I could feel more for the victims, especially when they were with Alexx. Maybe we need more Alexx scenes because for me, Horatio doesn’t seem to care anymore which makes it difficult for me to feel for the victims.

Also, I’ve noticed that we are spending less and less time communicating with the family of the victims and more time integrating. I appreciate why that is, but I enjoyed the moments when we could see behind the ‘cops’ and into the lives of real people.

Question 3: Bad episodes?

I had only one answer for my lease favorite. The season premier. Normally, the premiers really catch my attention and knock me off my feet and, as usually, i carried that expectation when I tuned in to this seasons. Boy, was I disappointed.

I found the camera work disruptive and the story line irritating. While it wasn't as predictable as the later episodes, it was still a 'clichéd' idea. It just didn't do it for me.

Question 4: Favorite story line?

There were three. Eric's PTSD because CSI:Miami FINALLY had some sort of continuity. Calleigh's job on the line because we got some damn emotion out of the woman and finally, 'other' :).

'Other' because I'm enjoying some more continuity from the CSI writers. Eric/Calleigh/Jake. I honestly wasn't expecting much from it when Season 5 ended, I thought it would be another thing they simply forgot about (Madison, anyone?). But I like the tension, the wondering the glances and little moments that let us know that both the writers, and the characters have not forgotten about what they have just set up.

Question 5: Least favorite storyline?

Horatio and his son. How long before Kyle disappears along with Madison, Suzie and the rest of the Caine relations? It annoys me that they keep adding more and more pin to Horatio's life, and presenting him as this poor man who's a hero to everyone in Miami. Let the man bleed or something (another thing to do with Horatio - he never gets hurt?!). He can't be a hero all the time, it makes me angry, not emphatic.

Last question: Has the show improved?

Yes and no.

Yes, because the writers have finally acknowledged the CSI's have lives outside of work (Eric and Calleigh talking about family, Natalia trying to learn how to shoot) it's refreshing and makes the characters more realistic.

No, because of several things. Aside from the episodes mentioned above, the cases are too 'samey'. They all involve young girl/rich business men/rich family/etc, what ever happened to the minorities Miami was famous for helping and the racial tension that made Miami more than a 'plastic' state. Also, I've mentioned it above, Horatio. Climbing out of a burning Hummer without even a scratch is taking this 'hero' thing a tad too far. It's getting hard to watch. As is Horatio's pauses and constant on-off-on-off with the sunnies thing.

Well, I warned you. :lol:
Nicely put, Adorelo.

Thus far, I have to say that I'm enjoying season 6. Yes, it's not the best- like, say season 2, but it definitely has improved over season 5.

My favorite episodes this season are Cyber-leberity; Bang, Bang, You're Debt; and Miami Confidential. In Miami Confidential, it was a nice change to see Ryan actually work a scene, and someone other than Horatio get a one-liner. It was just an all around good episode that made me happy.

Cyber-leberity was awesome because it was just a light hearted episode with Eric teasing Ryan and Calleigh flirting with Ryan and Ryan teasing Eric and flirting with Calleigh. It was a very nostalgic episode that reminded me of season 3 and 4.

Bang, Bang, Your Debt: I voted for it simply because it was nice to see Speed, and to see it in a believable storyline and not in the "I was working undercover for the FBI and now I'm done and I want to come back for my job." way. Having Eric with PTSD is very believable (I actually voted for that as my favorite storyline this season) and to have him see Speed was very nice. Otherwise the storyline was just not believable in any other sense.

The episodes that I hate the worst: Sunblock, Stand Your Ground, and Guerrilla's in the Mist .

I couldn't see Calleigh, coming from an alcoholic family get drunk and then proceed to drive. That was strike one. Secondly, the amount she drank would not have made her .08 drunk. Her body mass and the speed she drank the two mimosas just couldn't effect her that fast. Yeah, she might have been buzzed, but not drunk. That just made this episode and me enemies.

In Sunblock, I loved the reference to Wolfe (A werewolf in the episode that Ryan is back on the team? Perfect) and Alexx was awesome in this episode. The rest of the storyline was just unbelievable. They tried to match Curse of the Coffin, but came no where close.

In Guerrilla's in the Mist, I hated how this computerized gun 'misted' it's victims. Didn't just last season we have an around the corner gun? Just because something is conceivable doesn't mean there has to be a storyline about it. What was up with the exploding Hummer but yet Horatio left the explosion unscathed? That was just horrible.

My favorite storyline is really Eric with his PTSD. In a show that has absolutely no consistency, its nice to see a change and have some consistency. Speaking of which, is why I like Natalia and her trying to learn how to shoot a gun, and we get references to her past as an FBI agent. Consistency=Wonderful.

I am really sick of CSI:Miami becoming the Horatio Caine Crime Hour. I hate how every episode starts off with a subject matter that has no relation to Horatio and yet somehow it has everything to do with Horatio? How is it that when Eric gets shot he actually gets shot, when Ryan gets nailed he almost loses his eyesight, when Speed gets shot he dies, and yet Horatio can do everything with his eyes closed and he comes out of every situation without a hair out of place?

I also hated the storyline with Calleigh and her "drinking." Enough said.

After all the complaining is said and done, I really do like this season. Far better than season five. It's just sad to see it end so soon.

Maybe I should have put a warning about a long post on mine too. ;)
:lol: Gosh that made me laugh ^^.

I think a long post warning would have been good haha. I didn't know we could talk so much!

The only thing I disagree about is the 'Calleigh drinking' comment.

My father was a heavy drinker, I'd even go so far as to say he was an alcoholic. He didn't stop me drinking, the only reason I don't is becasue I have my two young sisters to take care of. Reguardless of Calleigh's past, I don't think that would stop her drinking.

I do, however, agree with your view of her driving afterwards... that didn't ring true for me either. Here's this pulled-together woman, who always follows the rules about to break the law? I don't think so.

The Horatio crime hour tickled me, I know he's the star of the show, but other characters exist too.

J x
Maybe it's just me. My father died of alcoholism and while I do drink, I don't get drunk. I actually hate the feeling of being drunk. I didn't mean that Calleigh doesn't drink, because she's asked Ryan out for beer before. ;)

:lol: Yeah, who knew that we liked to talk. :)
Does this mean I need to put a warning too? :lol:

About Calleigh drinking--Was she even over the limit? I can't remember. Because as far as I've seen, Jake was the one knocking back one too many potent potables. :eek:

I agree that her past does come into play but I don't think that it's what made her decide to drink (she was off duty anyhow) It doesn't seem to me like she's falling down her father's path. It was just something Stetler misconstrued to high heavens to make another cop look bad, in my opinion.

I think it's a matter of perspective and interpretation.

How does the season rate??

I chose 'Fair'. This season hasn't exactly stuck out at all but it hasn't made me want to stop watching completely either. I've actually enjoyed this season more as it's gotten into the final episodes--to me, the writing has been substantially better compared to the first few episodes. Much of what's happened has been God awful, predictable and just absolutely contrived but hey, it's CSI:Miami. Realism has little place here. :lol:

What was your favorite episode?

'Bang Bang, Your Debt' is my first pick for my favorite episode this season. First of all, continuity is the number one thing I look for in a show. That's what separates a television show from a movie. (Unless you count sequels and threequels) The way they encorporated Eric's development and struggle with his shooting with the continuity that a lot of the Speed fans were asking for was well portrayed in this episode--despite it being three seasons too late.

Plus the fact that we never saw Eric actually deal with Speed's death aside from toothing and becoming increasingly more grumpy and stubblier :)lol:) wasn't something that was handled very well in the first place. I'm not saying people don't react like that in real life - who can say how death affects someone - but I expected a little more out of the writers than that. Perhaps if it had been displayed over more than five minutes in two or three episodes, it would have sat better with me. This show used to be filled with substance and fell flat on its face in season three.

Anyway. 'Bang Bang, Your Debt' seemed to rectify a lot of that and we were able to get into Eric's mind a little more. I liked that they brought the shooting element and Speed's death into the same basket. I really felt for the guy and by the end, hoped he would get some serious profesional help. :lol: My my, he has a good imagination.

Another reason it was my favorite episode was because the case actually made sense. It was simple, straight forward but kept my attention all the way.

The final element that made it my favorite was Horatio's connection with Eric in the last scene. It's been too long since Horatio had a real conversation with a member of his team that didn't include 'get that to the lab' or 'page me'. I liked seeing his more human side again and it made him look a lot more humble and not the faster-than-a-speeding-bullet Caine that had a lot of loyal fans switching to something else.

Did I mention Speed is mighty fine? :devil:

My second choice for favorite episode is 'Miami Confidential'. Again, the plot made sense, there were twists and Horatio connected with his team.

This episode was a real shining point for Natalia and Eva did a great job in her portrayal. I enjoyed the performance and it made me like the character and want to invest more time learning about her. She's come quite a long way since being the suspected 'mole'.

Favorite storyline

Eric's struggle with his shooting has been the high point of this season for me and it's being handled really well. Because of this, there has been some great interaction between Eric and Calleigh. Their scenes have become something I look forward to, not because of anything 'shippy but because I really 'get' their friendship now more than ever. Eric has a lot of hurdles to overcome and Calleigh obviously cares that his recovery is a success. She's expressed a lot of concern for him.

I'm loving that Eric is getting some much deserved development and it's keeping me coming back for more. :)

Least favorite storyline

Ryan's merry-go-round of jobs. :rolleyes: It just became a farce after a while and I was expecting him to get his job back anyhow. I think Ryan's been poorly developed this season and there are a lot of loose ends waiting to be tied up and they wasted it on 'which job will he have this week?' Blah.

Has the show improved? Not improved? Remained the same?

I think it's improved but not everything is always going to please me. I moreso watch the show just for the ride now and not really out of excitement or anything. If I had to choose between season 5 and season 6, I'd definitely watch season 6 again. In my opinion, things are going a little more smoothly but unfortunately this show has jumped the shark. (Unless the show was eaten by said shark before it could reach the other side and now it's just stuck in the limbo land of pretty colours and big boobs)
I haven't seen all of the episodes, but I'm going to do this anyway (;

I tihnk that the season so far is excellent/fair. It has it's peaks that makes me go "yay!" and then it's just the same Miami. I did like the fact that it took forever for Ryan to get his job back though, that and his struggle makes it realistic. So Ryan's storyline was my fav storyline along with Eric's. Yay, Eric's still ill! Yay, Speed!
And as such, Bang Bang, Your Debt was one of my fav episodes. Along with Cyber-lebrity, even though the story was poor. I agree with HappilyHappy about the fact that it was fun and nostalgic. I think Eric and Ryan had a bit of flirt as well, heh. Triangle much?

The episodes I didn't like were the H-eps. In other words, the ones with Kyle. Again, as Happilyhappy said, Miami is turning into a Horatio Caine Hour. I'm really sick of the guy, now. He's an expert of stealing screen-time he doesn't deserve and is portrayed like some sort of God, but he really just comes off silly to me. Down with Caine, at least this one.
So in other words it was his story that was my least favorite. BEGONE.

Aand those were my opinions. (; yay.
I voted Fair for the first one. It's been ok, I think the really good stuff will come later, though. Then it will be easier to see how I really feel about it.

Favorite epi was "Miami Confidential". I really liked the storyline, it was well written & easy to follow. Much more down to earth & realistic. And I dig Natalia. ;)
2nd best epi was "Deep Freeze" because...well DUH. ;)

Least fave was "Dangerous son". Just not exciting.

That comes to my LEAST favorite storyline...Horatio & Kyle. I don't mind that he has this son out there but the way the writers brought it to us is what I really didn't like. There was no big build up or anything, it was like, here you have a son..pass down your sunnies. Just lame, I thought.

I thought Calleigh's storyline was good, but it needed more.
My favorite again was Natalia's dilemma w/ Agent Mike. It wasn't too overly dramatic or anything, & I think it could unfold into something later.

Overall, has it improved? I chose "yes". Their putting more into their characters, & for me, that's what I like to see.
In my own opinion, it would be better if we had more "interaction" between the team. I've always loved Eric & Calleigh's friendship & her concern for him, I love Eric & Nat interaction, I MISS Calleigh & Horatio, & always enjoy the goofiness between Ryan/Eric & Ryan/Calleigh. But it's always just 2 people. I'd like to see more of them ALL TOGETHER...AS A TEAM!!
My answers... (if anyone cares... :rolleyes: )

1. How is season 6 so far? Fair (better than seasons 4 and 5, but no match for season 1-3 IMO)

2. Favorite episode so far? Bang Bang Your Debt (Why? Speed, of course... DUH :devil: )

3. Least Favorite? Guerillas In The Mist (Same old same old crap... Big stupid, completely unrealistic storyline, Super H saves the day... although the exploding Hummer at the end was kinda fun... :devil: )

4. Favorite storyline? Eric's shootings (much better character developement for him this season :) )

5. Least favorite storyline? Ryan's revolving jobs (much less character development for him this season... I mean he's just reinstated with no explanation... comeon... :rolleyes: )

6. Improvement? Yes, definitely, compared to the crap that was seasons 4 and 5... but like I said, still remains to be seen compared to seasons 1-3...

Great idea for a poll speed_cochrane!!! That was fun!!! :D