House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

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Re: House # 2

Hello. *waves*
Erm... wanted to share my joy and House s1 starts here in September. Tho, I just watched House s2 marathon from Canal+ and have seen last 4-5 episodes from season 2.

And have managed to get my mom to watch it also :D

erm... so yeah. This little visit is ...over :p
Have phun :D
Re: House # 2

In the new promo
Did Wilson seem a little of to you becaue he said House was just lucky when usully he would be at House's side on everything he did and he would never usually say House was just lucky.
Re: House # 2

Ooo new thread :D, Rissa loving those titles suggestions and also 'More Additive than Vicodin' because we all know it's true

Oo about 'Read Less More TV' ;)
Re: House # 2

Great suggestions guys. :D

I'll wait until this afternoon then I'll put a poll up so you can all vote. :)
Re: House # 2

ok...well, season 2 just is still airing here in Australia, but it's almost at the end. Thats why I haven't joined in any discussions so far, I've wanted to wait until I have something constructive to add, but since I've seen almost the entire season, I can finally participate :)

I like "More addictive than vicodin" for the thread :lol: It so is!

I absolutely love the banter between House and Wilson...oh man, so many good scenes...but I'll try to post as many as I can remember...

House: 26-year-old male, sudden loss of the ability to speak --
Wilson: Just because you got out of clinic duty doesn’t mean everybody did.
House: -- to his father. Differential diagnosis?
Wilson: Chase?
House: Dad swoops in, Chase swoops out.
Wilson: Dad say why he was here?
House: See? You asked. Dad comes 5000 miles and you’re more curious than Junior is. Can’t just be about the divorce. It’s been fifteen years and mom’s been dead for ten of them. You think Daddy murdered her?
Wilson: You want to get to the bottom of this, you’re doing it exactly right. Don’t talk to the people involved, drag your buddy away from work for some pointless speculation.
House: You want to know how two chemicals interact, do you ask them? No, they’re going to lie through their lying little chemical teeth. Throw them in a beaker and apply heat.
Wilson: Even I don’t like you. [He walks off.]
House: [calling after him] You know, words can hurt!

:lol: everytime one of my friends and I were in chemistry, and playing with chemicals, we'd say "You want to know how two chemicals interact, do you ask them? No, they’re going to lie through their lying little chemical teeth. Throw them in a beaker and apply heat." and everybody stared at us :lol:

but I found it so sad in House vs God, when House and Wilson were at the poker game, and House knew that Wilson was sleeping with that woman, and Wilson just kept saying "Don't" because the look on his face just so sad :( it just gets me every time...poor Wilson :(
Re: House # 2

Never seen this series before, but the Dutch TV will air it soon, so I'll definitely watch. :)
Re: House # 2

:lol: I to love the Wilson/House banter and how close they are they share dinner and chips and how Wilson's parents hate House :lol:
Re: House # 2

csikicksurass said:
Are you new to House or did you see the secound season before you just never go to watch the first episode?

They aired the first episode tonight here in The Netherlands :).
Re: House # 2

Really i love the first episode they all look so different it's weird how just 2 years can change their looks :D

So what did you like best about the show?
Re: House # 2

So far, the personality of House himself.
It's so different from other hospital series, cause they all are dedicated to the patiens (I'm also an ER freak :p).
And it's got a little horror in it :D.
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