Horatio & Yelina Thread #4 ~The Romantic Real Deal~

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Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

for Lucy`s birthday time ago we have new H/Y promo pics, why now for Tall`s birthday to not have hidden H/Y spoilers in her present cake :lol:

and after i see this sweet family pic from epi GYM, was thinking that Y can just appear in CSI Miami building (without Ann D. to see her) and to let know H that Ray Jnr. have party for his birthday and will be a lot happy to see his uncle ;)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

Ah that picture so cute!! Those indeed were the better days *daydreams* In 2007 there is more H/Y goodness coming our way *tries to sound as hopeful as possible*
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

Kit4na When H shot that guy I also thought: He's back ! That's the H I like! I love it when he's angry!! Also in the beginning of the epi when a man of the male noche said : "you're already dead" his answer was fantastic:"join the club " It has been a while since I heard a good "Horatio-answer"
But I felt sorry for Horatio , I thought I was gonna laugh when she was dead, but I wasn't happy! Horatio was so said! I hope Yelina can cheer him up!! And why not with newyear? She doesn't have to appear a lot in the episode. She can just ask him to have dinner with newyear or Christmass at her place.
Or at least He can just say to the team, when they ask him to have dinner together, he already has plans with his family, nephew or something ( a small christmass present for us). That's not too much to ask is it?
always think positif! There's always a chance!
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

That's the problem with the CSI Miami writers, sometimes they forget some characters ever existed. Like what happened to Suzy & Madison? The show started with a lot of potential, a lot of great stories. But they forget to delve deeper into it because they were too busy adding other barriers between H & Y (Season 3) and making us forget about Yelina , which they absolutely FAILED to do (Season 4).
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

^you're soo right!
They forget about their own storylines.
I so want to know if Madison is healed.
it would be so interesting to watch Yelina interacting with Suzy and Madison. Is she still angry?
I also want to know if Horatio visits his niece and her mother often. They are also his familiy.
*sighs* maybe we will never get an answer. :rolleyes:

Happy Birthday Tally! :)
enjoy your day. hope, you have a nice one.
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

A lot of soaps have that problem. Once a character is gone, they never leave any message behind as to how they are doing or what they are doing. I'm so eager to know if Yelina had phonecalls with Horatio or not. She told H she was very sorry for what happened to Marisol. How did she get that information? Possible not from anybody around the csi team, cause they aren't THAT close to her. She's only close to Horatio as far as we know.

Every episode that they reveal something about H or anybody elses past I'm very eager to watch. Cause I want to get to know the characters better. This might help us, the viewers understand why they make the decisions that they do. Heck we might even start to relate to them..
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

For those of you who haven't visited the Yelina thread in Miami, a little treat for us all!


Credit random scribblings.

This was taken a week ago at The Museum Of Television And Radio's Annual Gala. Warms the H/Y heart very nicely. :D
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

Aw, thanks so much for the pic MD. It's such a lovely pic and they both look tickled about something. They seem to be on good terms off-camera, which is good. They both look stunning. Definately warms the H/Y heart a bit. :)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

MD thanks for posting this so sweet H/Y pic her :D wow they are so beautiful couple, i give all my money to see such scene in CSI Miami :devil:

ur all are rigth guys that one of the biggest mistake in ours tv show i the way writers act with some character - when they remove them for a little after this CSI Miami go like they don`t have exist. this is so foolishly - to develop one charatcer whole three seasons and after this to push shift+delete button :mad: maybe this monsters still don`t see that with Y leaving one big part of H too go to the past... :( *sigh*

She told H she was very sorry for what happened to Marisol. How did she get that information?

we have discuss this subject long this ago and as Lucy have say probable Y`s mam have told to her about H drama or Y must read some newspaper. my version is that H keep connection with his bro in Brazil - coz in epi from S4 he have say to Frank that Y is with her family and she is happy. :rolleyes:
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

I seriously thought that picture was taken years ago. As H looks so much better than he did in the Rio episode. I am so happy CSI Miami doesn't give us a 3 month break in the fall - winter period as for instance Prison Break does. Cause if i'd had to wait that long for any sign of H/Y I'd die..

Gotta get back to work :'(
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

Fantabulous, MD. Now if only we could get them to do this on screen in Miami on a sustained and consistent basis.

Thanks much for the brilliant birthday pic, Luce. That was from one of my fav eps, as you well know. :)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

I love that picture MD ! wow they look like a great couple! :D Perfect match! If they are on a picture together, it means they have contact, and that means she will appear in more than one episode, doesn't it?!!! such a great picture, it gives me hope! There's still chemistry between those two :D ! I don't think that will ever go away!

And I agree that in almost every show, when somebody dissapears , they forget about them! and I hate that!
I always hope they will tell something about them but no, it's like they've never excisted! And I'm also curious what has happened to suzy and Madison!
So much questions and no answers!! It's not fair!
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

TallyHo said:
Fantabulous, MD. Now if only we could get them to do this on screen in Miami on a sustained and consistent basis.
And so say all of us! Thanks MD for posting that pic over here. They certainly look like they are enjoying themselves, which is a good sign. It's just so heartwarming to see them like that. :D

Thanks much for the brilliant birthday pic, Luce. That was from one of my fav eps, as you well know. :)
You're very welcome. I was flicking through my collection, and that pic just seemed like the right one to choose. ;) The second half of Season 1 was just wonderful. :)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

Now if only we could get them to do this on screen in Miami on a sustained and consistent basis.
Exactly. I miss the heady anticipation of the H/Y interaction. I have all but given up watching, until we see Yelina again.

You're all very welcome re the picture. I have to say, I was so chuffed to see it! Restores some hope for sure and also, note how comfortable they look. Good signs my friends, positive vibes indeed. :D

Also, thanks for that lovely picture from Grave Young Men Luce. I'm very fond of those late Season 1 episodes too. :)
Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~

MiamiDade said:

Exactly. I miss the heady anticipation of the H/Y interaction. I have all but given up watching, until we see Yelina again.

So say we all. Guess we're in holding pattern with other more appealing and intelligently written TV series until Y returns to the Miami fold.

I have to say, I was so chuffed to see it! Restores some hope for sure and also, note how comfortable they look. Good signs my friends, positive vibes indeed. :D

Chuffed, is too right. :) It's grand to see that they look so relaxed and un-phonyish with each other off screen. Hope will always be there but an image like this will go some way to keeping those embers glowing.
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