Horatio/Yelina--Silent Thunder

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Re: Horatio and Yelina?

Well Yelina is always smiling at H you can tell she totally likes him I still don't understand why she is going out with someone like Stetler. The episode i want to see is Hell night with Ray Jnr. I think that has some good H/Y scenes.
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

yeah it should be shown in 3 weeks if everything stays the way it does in the show timetable.
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

awwww lol, is she talking to the kitty - it looks like :lol: I mean I dont talk to my cats..... well maybe a little :D
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

I talk to mine all the time! :lol: They think I'm crazy (well, they look at me as if I am - I can't always read their minds!)

Btw, Leanne, I'm working on those dialogues for ya! ;)
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

Why thank you Lucy I shall be updating soon, im working on some more ep guides etc... anyways, we need to keep this thread burning my dears.... how about a topic eh?

When do you think was the closest moment to Horatio or Yelina making a move.....
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

Well, I would say they've never got close to actually making a move as such, but if I had to name one example of when they are so close, and so in each other's space, it would be the final scene of 'Hurricane Anthony'. Even in the dvd audio commentary, one of the writers whispers "kiss her", to which the other replies, "he can't!". It's such a subtle, yet very powerful scene. :(
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

*sighs* it's like a month till Season two part one some into the shops in the UK :( and I soo want to see this episode ....... I guess I have to wait, and make my mum buy it for me, like I got her to buy Season one :devil:
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

Do you get the 'Living' channel Leanne? They are currently repeating Season 2 - episode 3 'Hard Time' has just been on, and 'HA' is episode 6. If they rerun them in order, you'll only have to wait 3 weeks (if you have the channel ;)).
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

ooooh I saw Hard Time tonight, I thought it was nice Horatio had Yelina on speed dial :lol: ooooh Three weeks *jumps*
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

Love is...having their number on Speed Dial! :D

I'm so glad you get the Living Channel - fingers crossed then that they'll show the episodes in order. :)
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

Awesome episode!! Great H/Y moment there, nothing like those little hints the writers give us to 'keep us aware'.
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

hmm I'm soo want to see "the Oath" when Stetler flirts with Yelina, aparently - it says to in episode guides, I wanna know what his reaction is :lol: and more so, what Stetler's chat up lines are :lol:
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