Horatio, Calleigh In Romantic Tangles

CSI Files

2005 promises to be an eventful year in the relationship stakes for two members of the Miami-Dade crime lab.

The January 2 issue of TV Guide revealed that both Horatio Caine and Calleigh Duquesne will be involved in romantic storylines on CSI: Miami this year, but this does not necessarily mean the outcomes will be good for both of them. The magazine reported that Horatio's "relationship with [Rebecca] Nevins hits shaky ground". Played by <Font color=yellow>Christina Chang</font>, state's attorney Rebecca Nevins has appeared in three episodes so far, "Hell Night", "Crime Wave" and "After The Fall".

But the trouble doesn't end there for the lead Miami CSI. According to TV Guide, Horatio will "also be resolving the paternity issues surrounding the girl thought to be his daughter." This likely refers to Madison, who Yelina Salas assumed to be Horatio's daughter in the season two episode, "Money For Nothing" and also appeared with her mother Suzie in "Big Brother".

Calleigh will reportedly "renew a romance with a federal agent", the magazine revealed, but did not disclose any further details. The ballistics expert had a relationship with Detective John Hagen in season two, but the character has not been seen since "Big Brother".

To read the original article, pick up the January 2 issue of TV Guide.<center></center>
Re: Horatio, Calleigh In Romantic Tangles

KOOL, I've been waiting for Calliegh and Horatio to get into a relationship, plus, Horation and Calliegh are my favourite characters from CSi: Miami, so if they get togethe, that would be really really good!!
Re: Horatio, Calleigh In Romantic Tangles

It did not say that Horatio and Calleigh will be together. It said that each will have romantic relationships, not with each other.
Re: Horatio, Calleigh In Romantic Tangles

yeah, really hate rebecca, i hope that H dumps her. What is this talk about the paternaty of the girl...this is turning im to a soap opera lol :lol:
Re: Horatio, Calleigh In Romantic Tangles

Posted by CanadianWinter:
yeah, really hate rebecca, i hope that H dumps her. What is this talk about the paternaty of the girl...this is turning im to a soap opera lol :lol:
Probably settling it so they can move on, yelina thinks madison is his, and thats a record that needs to be set straight, she needs to know that Ray jr has a little half sister out there.
Also Stetler knows about Madison, and isn't afraid to use the info to destroy H.
Besides they do kind of need to resolve this, i think its cool that they start something one season and resolve it in the next, that takes the "Soapishness" out of it, to me it would be soapish if they did it week after week, where as Madison is barely acknowledged, except as a reminder that it needs settled and those are slight reminders.

KOOL, I've been waiting for Calliegh and Horatio to get into a relationship, plus, Horation and Calliegh are my favourite characters from CSi: Miami, so if they get togethe, that would be really really good!!
Full Article they don't mean that it will be a C/H relationship sorry, they are talking separately.
Horatio's "relationship with [Rebecca] Nevins hits shaky ground".
Calleigh will reportedly "renew a romance with a federal agent"
Re: Horatio, Calleigh In Romantic Tangles

Posted by Dynamo1:
It did not say that Horatio and Calleigh will be together. It said that each will have romantic relationships, not with each other.

Yeh, i know, i never said that they would get together. Go back and read and u'll see that i wrote If (KEY WORD= IF) they get together that would be awsome, adn no offense or anything Dynamo1, but what the hell is ur problem, everytime i post sumthing, u've got a smart ass remark to make me sound like im always wong, and ur alwasy right. Farout every post, i get put down by you!! :mad: :mad:
Re: Horatio, Calleigh In Romantic Tangles

Posted by Agertays:
KOOL, I've been waiting for Calliegh and Horatio to get into a relationship, plus, Horation and Calliegh are my favourite characters from CSi: Miami, so if they get togethe, that would be really really good!!

yep you did say "IF" but it kind of sounded like you thought they we're just explaining my response to yours :lol:
Re: Horatio, Calleigh In Romantic Tangles

I would like Horatio and Calleigh to get together, even though i'm not a true CSIM shipper for anyone. It would be an interesting combination between the two. Maybe dating Calleigh would give Horatio releif from his brother's death...?
Re: Horatio, Calleigh In Romantic Tangles

:lol: Everyone jumps on the H/C bandwagon. LMAO. Disgusting pairing. It mentions NOWHERE IN THAT ARTICLE that Calleigh and that...thing...will get together.
Re: Horatio, Calleigh In Romantic Tangles

speaking of that... thing... i couldnt get to sleep last night caus i was having horrible thoughts of horatio dressed in a leprechaun suit....it was freaky!

back on topic... it says that h's relationship will hit shaky grounds or something like that... i wonder what kind of shaky grounds that will be... it also said in the article that the outcomes of the relationships will not necessarily be good for both of em... *dum dum*
Re: Horatio, Calleigh In Romantic Tangles

Detective Hagan is not a federal agent, just a detective for the Miami Dade Police Department. There was a federal Secret Service agent in the episode Money for Nothing in season 2 that Calleigh flirted with. This is probably who she is going to heat it up with. She has not displayed any flirtatious behavior toward anyone else that is a federal agent.
Re: Horatio, Calleigh In Romantic Tangles

i hope h/c get together they would make a nice couple
(but i still think E/C are a better couple)