Holidays vs Christmas

I'm not going to lie...I think it's kind of stupid. Why can't I say "Merry Christmas?" I now have to say "Happy Holidays"? Well...if I have to say Happy Holidays, then maybe, places shouldn't just put up decorations for Christmas. That, I do not understand. If you go downtown around all the Government buildings, it's ALL Christmas decorations. If you walk into a Government building it's all Christmas decorations! But I still have to say "Happy Holidays?"

Well...I mean, I totally get people have different holidays, and yes, they do have the right to celebrate and do whatever they want in one of the many holidays in the month of Decemeber. But I still don't see the point of me having to say "Holidays" instead of "Christmas" I mean, I'm not saying like "you came to this country you will celebrate our holiday" but it's the point that it's Christmas here. So why can't I say "Merry Christmas?" I just really don't understand :p
to Destiny I couldn't have said it better, and on the 'other' holiday, or whatever, I don't get a ratts ass what other people do, it's their own thing, and more power to them, I work with all kinds of religions and everyone has different ideas and what they do is none of my concern. I go with what I've always celebrated and always will CHRISTMAS and all the hoopla and tradition that accompanies this great holiday, with my family ;)
Well Disney World has every year "Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party" and every year people from all over the world AND religions come to it. So I do not think most people care overall what people say, as long as you are not offending their own beliefs in some way.
I think everyone should stop getting offended over things and start doing something useful for a change. I'm so sick of having political correctness shoved down my throat. I mean, people can get OFFENDED at anything. I can go on Glenn Beck right now and tell him I'm offended at all these people getting offended by Christmas. It's ridiculous. In the end it doesn't even make a difference, everyone celebrates their own holidays and religions at the end of the day, and no one is prevented from doing so. Just leave things be.

Political correctness is going to drive me out of this country.
midnightbellzza said:
If you go downtown around all the Government buildings, it's ALL Christmas decorations.

heres the thing, my city this past summer flew the rainbow flag during gay pride week from city hall. there were of course some groups that protested and said they were offended. the city basically told them to get over it and the flag wasnt coming down.

so, if they were going to show their support for one group of people why not everybody? if youre going to have christmas decorations, call them what they are. have decorations for every holiday that is celebrated this month and youre fine, if anyone is going to complain they sure are petty.

but how long until they include the 'festivus for the rest of us' pole... :lol: