Holidays vs Christmas


Funnier in Enochian
Super Moderator
I was listening to the radio the other day when the local DJ was talking about how we'll never hear the term 'Holidays' from him "Because it's Christmas".

What are y'alls view on this? Does it matter how we refer to this time of the year?

CBC News released an interesting article on the matter.

[...]In 2005, the tinsel hit the fan when word got out that Boston was calling the huge tree it gets from the province of Nova Scotia each year a "holiday tree" on its official website. Christian televangelists threatened to sue. A columnist in the Boston Globe, who is Jewish, called it part of the "annual effort to neuter Christmas."

[...]Supporters say it’s simply showing respect for the growing numbers who belong to religious minorities – an effort to be sensitive to the fact that many people are not members of the dominant religion. Others call it politically correct nonsense.

[...]North American society – especially Canadian society – is becoming more and more non-Christian. The 2001 census showed that 70 per cent of Canadians identified themselves as either Roman Catholic or Protestant. In the 1971 census, those two Christian denominations accounted for 90 per cent of Canadians.

[...]Many non-Christians, of course, do mark religious holidays or festivals in the fall or winter months. Jews mark Hanukkah – the festival of lights – usually in December. Many Buddhists mark Bodhi Day on Dec. 8. Many Canadians of African heritage celebrate Kwanzaa in December. Hindus celebrate Diwali – the festival of lights – in either October or November.

The "let's celebrate everyone's holidays" theme was the thrust of a 1998 declaration made by the city council of Birmingham, England. The city, which is home to many non-Christians, declared its Christmas-time festivities would be called Winterval. Critics said the council was trying to take the "Christ out of Christmas" and accused it of being overly sensitive. In the end, the name didn’t catch on. Birmingham's official website now has a special feature on "Christmas in Birmingham."
I say we should do what my university does and put up decorations for all the different holidays. And if people still don't like it, tell them to shove it. It isn't about being offended by seeing decorations, its about who gets to control who. I would say that most people of different faiths don't care that much, and it is a small vocal group.

Most of what christmas is now is secular anyway.
I think Ill respond to this specific quote.
In 2005, the tinsel hit the fan when word got out that Boston was calling the huge tree it gets from the province of Nova Scotia each year a "holiday tree" on its official website. Christian televangelists threatened to sue. A columnist in the Boston Globe, who is Jewish, called it part of the "annual effort to neuter Christmas."
Im somewhat in the middle about things like this. I celebrate Christmas so I personally dont mind. I think if they are going to put the huge (Lets face it, its a Christmas tree) tree up, just call it a Christmas tree because I dont see how calling it a "Holiday"Tree is being sensitive to other religons because they dont celebrate with a tree. I think they should put it up and call it a Christmas tree, or not put it up at all.

Im interested to see everyone elses response!
Its also kind of insulting because of what that christmas tree from Nova Scotia (more specifically Halifax) represents.
Well maybe it's because Im a Brit but I don't call them holidays, well they are holidays, but I call them Christmas, easter etc But them again you have more holidays don't you in the US like July 4th and thanksgiving!

EDIT: To say I really didn't make much sense then^^ And I have never known a christmas tree called a 'holiday' tree!!
This topic really hit the fan several years ago when some politicians in Toronto put up the annual tree in City Hall and called it a 'Holiday Tree'. The mayor at the time, Mel Lastman who is Jewish was offended by the comment and said it's a 'Christmas Tree'. If I understand it correctly he had a motion passed that said the tree would always be called a Christmas Tree. It was political nonsense at its worst.

When you are trying to make everyone included you actually are offended those that don't celebrate Christmas. You are saying since you don't celebrate it I'll let you stand out by calling it a Holiday inside of Christmas. I as someone who celebrates Christmas find it very offensive if I'm being told I can't say Christmas because it offends other people.

My husband and I run our own store in Toronto and I tell my staff you are more than welcome to wish someone a Merry Christmas. If you aren't sure fine wish them a Happy Holiday. I have had customers say to me it's nice to hear you wishing people a Merry Christmas.

Encase I forget Merry Christmas everyone :)
life is too short to get pissed off at someone for saying/not saying 'christmas' in december. anytime i hear of it i just want to tell those people to get over themselves. whats next? 'holiday' menorahs??

someone can wish me merry christmas, happy hanukkah or whatever else and i wont get upset. just like i dont care if someone says 'god bless you' when i sneeze. whatever, its just words. as long as they are as accepting as i am when i wish them 'happy talk like a pirate day' in september its all good.

however, when i sent out my cards for the swap in the george/nick thread i did sign them 'happy holidays' simply because i dont know what each individual person celebrates so i thought it was easier. especially since the 'holiday season' for me encompasses more than just christmas day. its a running joke in my house at school, i refer to the little tree and the decorations as 'non denominational winter celebratory decorations'. that way, when they are still up in february and someone tells me christmas was two months ago, i can tell them it is still winter and that is what i am celebrating :lol:
I've always called it Christmas. Even at school, we had non-Christian children and we all participated in the Nativity play. No one minded.
I celebrate 3 holidays in December with different members of my family (steps, halfs and the rest of it) Hannukah, Christmas and Yuletide; but I've always called it the Christmas holidays :)
allmaple said:
someone can wish me merry christmas, happy hanukkah or whatever else and i wont get upset. just like i dont care if someone says 'god bless you' when i sneeze. whatever, its just words. as long as they are as accepting as i am when i wish them 'happy talk like a pirate day' in september its all good.

Exactly. Why to go mad about it? :rolleyes: It's not like they are trying to push religion to you

(and as for America, then why Christian religion still controls laws so much :p )

Anyways, here it is not a problem, because our word for Christmas is 'joulu' which comes from word 'yule' so there is nothing ...christian in that word. (same thing in Scandinavian languages, in Swedish it's 'jul')
I celebrate Christmas, but I wouldn't care if someone wished me a happy hanukkah or something. It's about the spirit of the words, not the words themselves :rolleyes:
I certainly have no problem with someone wishing me a Happy Holiday or whatever but please don't get upset if I wish you a Merry Christmas.

We had a customer in the store the other day that mentioned in passing that's she's Jewish. So I wished her a Happy Hanukkah. She seemed a little surprised by that but wished me a Happy Holidays :)
I celebrate Christmas. I don't mind if someone says Happy Holidays because to me it means more the time of year and includes Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and all other holidays that are in the same time frame.

The only thing that bothers me is that when we go to the kids school holiday program (ours is called Winterfest) they change the lyrics of the songs and take out the biggest symbols of the Christmas holiday. All in the attempt to not make any one group upset during the season.

I'm in Massachusetts and there was a big uproar about that holiday tree across the state. :lol:

My family is not very religious, but we still celebrate Christmas. In fact, Canada is probably the most multi-cultural country in the world, and I go to school with people who aren't Christian that celebrate Christmas anyway. I think that the holiday has become so commercialized that nobody really cares anymore, it's not offensive to say "Merry Christmas" or oppositely "Happy Holidays". I also agree with blackflag, when I hear "Happy Holidays" I always think it includes New Year's (not Thanksgiving because ours is in October, too far away ;)).

And a holiday tree, really? That's like calling the Hannukah candelabrum a "holiday candelabrum". :rolleyes: The tree is the symbol of the holiday, and we live in a world where we have freedom of expression, we should be allowed to put up the damn Christmas tree! And call it that!
For thirty-four years of my life its always been a christmas tree and I don't give a rats behind if the government, state, county, city don't like it, I have called it that all this time and I damn sure am not going to change it just to be "politically correct", and if someone doesn't like what I call it then like being a christian, you have your belief I have mine, I don't mess with yours, you don't mess with mine simple as that.

They want to change it so that "Christ" is taken out of the word "Christmas" they want to remove "in god we trust" ect, ect, ect. Whats next we can't call a dog a dog because its might offend someone because 'dog' is 'god' spelled backward? You know I am christian to a point, I am not a push it down someones throat just because of what I believe. People believe in who or what they want, though I take exception to devil worship but thats just me, but hey in the end whatever your religion or non religion more power to you.

Holiday Tree, Happy Holidays, Christmas tree, Merry Christmas. In the end what the heck difference does it make who in the heck had to much time on their hands to say hey did you know christ in christmas might offend someone? Honestly this whole thing makes me shake my head.

Granted when I say something its usually Merry Christmas and Happy holidays, well heck its not to be politically correct alot of times I might not see that person or talk to them again until after the first of the year so it covers christmas, and new years. If I say Merry christmas to you and you don't celebrate it or you don't like it, then ignore it pretend I said Happy Holidays or shove it up your.. whatever and either say Happy holidays or move on.

I say Praise god, I say Amen, I say christmas tree and Merry christmas and if the powers that be (ie government) butt heads don't like it they can well... Bite Me!

*Looks around and wonders.. how many did I just offend*, *Looks around and wonders.. do I care its my opinion.* :D :p