"Hitting for the Cycle" **SPOILERS**

I'm really looking forward to this one. It appears to be a fun one and I always enjoy those kind of eps.
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My review could be a bit biased because a) I had my wisdom teeth removed today, b) I'm doped up on Vicodin, and c) I'm just an overall ass today, but I have to say I was really underwhelmed.

I didn't much see the point of Kevin, and when he died I have to say Robbins seemed really out of character. In the past whenever a member of Las Vegas' CSI passes away, you see the team mourn and show a great deal of emotion. True, Kevin was new and a complete jackass, but still... Doc Robbins being completely humorous over his death? Just awful.

Ray didn't irk me as much tonight, but I guess it's because he didn't have a huge presence during the episode. We got another Haskell mention, so it's official: every episode leading up to the finale is Haskell related.

Disappointed in not seeing a few Catherine/Sara scenes, but overall the screentime was nice and Brass got quite a few memorable one liners.
Believe me getting those things out is worth it vegaslights

It was very good, felt more like a CSI ep, with more science, less people pulling out their guns, and the CSIs were doing their jobs and Brass was doing his

Liked the betting pool, at first I thought it would be Cath that would win, maybe Brass or Sara then I later decided on Al, wonder what he'll do with the money

Nice to see Henry, how'd he get volunteered to count up the money

Greg was omg HOT!!!! :drool: Spiked hair, leather jacket, jeans, loved him speaking geek, his and Catherine's conversation reminded me of ones about video games my siblings and I had with our parents

Kevin didn't like him cause he was rude and all that, but it creates character drama, that was one good thing about him, maybe the only thing, at first I was thinking why are they bringing in another male, we have plenty of guys, anyone new should be a girl, so I'm overall glad he's not sticking around

Also when they mentioned he was from LA and then talked about Haskell, I was thinking was he involved with Haskell, a new disciple or partner

Haskell will be mentioned or in every ep the rest of the season, I sooo hoped he wouldn't be mentioned :(:scream:

Sara getting flowers from a day shift guy, kinda random or is it?! :shifty:

Brass had some good quotes, yeah if he ever played video games (doubt it) he wouldn't play ones where you shoot and kill people

Can't wait for next week overall ;):)
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I liked it pretty well. I like a funny ep now and then. And yeah, some good quotes.

I wonder if that was a fatsuit on the gamer guy actor or what. And the diaper thing, eww.

I hope the flowers were random. *loves her GSR*
^^ Yeah the diaper thing yeah ew, reminded me of King Baby, my brother kept laughing and going on and on about it
Kevin at first I was thinking why are they bringing in another male, we have pleny of guys, anyone new should be a girl
I thought that same exact thing!

My thoughts as written while watching the episode (minus the point mentioned above):

Nick: Henry seems to be having A Beautiful Mind moment.

Oh man, these four guys together (Nick, Greg, Henry and Hodges), I just love them. I hope they do a commentary for this ep on the dvd set like they did for Appendicitement.

Eeww, puss gushing out of that body!

Greg and Sara both look like they want to punch Kevin.

Brass: Welcome to the Apocalypse.

LOL at Cath saying removing gamer guy's diaper is a perfect job for Kevin.

Hated Kevin trying to tell Nick (the assistant supervisor no less) how to collect evidence.

Dave: I'm sorry, he's [Kevin] from L.A.
Nick: That explains it.

Okay gamer dude read on wikimeds that you can't die from a seizure?

Hodges: I'm having a good hair day.

Brass: This is like finding a nerd in a haystack. :guffaw: Best line of the night!

Commander Buzzkill haha.

Cath (sarcastic): Wow, Kevin... charming.
Dave: I hate him to the very core of my being.
Cath: I hear you.
Me: I'm right there with ya, SuperDave.

Kevin thinking he can score with Cath... haha I think Lou would have something to say about that.

LOL at Greg mimicking the Little Caesar's pizza guy.

Kevin died. Wow, didn't expect that. I knew they had to be making him uber annoying for a reason.

Doc bet on Dave. Good going, Doc! Loved his logic about why he bet on Dave.

Yeah the diaper thing yeah ew, reminded me of King Baby

I thought of King Baby as well.
I think Kevin HAD to be an ass so that we wouldn't care that he died, unlike Kip a few weeks ago. :( But yeah, I thought Dave and Doc's reactions were a bit out of character, even tho it was supposed to be kind of funny.

The whole "staged suicide so wife gets insurance money" thing was done before in "You've Got Male", so I saw that coming a mile away. :)

But overall I liked this one. It had a really good balance of the whole team, including Henry, Hodges, Doc, and Dave. And it was just two ordinary cases...no personal drama.

Oh, and no...not a fat suit.
I liked this episode. One of the better ones of the seasons. Not as good as I was expecting. I guess I expected more humor overall, but still was a good episode.

Nick's case I kind of thought it might be a suicide once they said the bullet went through his mouth out his head. I just thought since he was in the pool the GSR washed off.

Yeah I could have done without the Haskell mention. Plus Ray talking about still caring for about your ex, knew that was foreshadowing to the future eps too.

I enjoyed Greg/Sara case more mostly because it had more twists and really did not know who did it until they discovered it on the show. I did love seeing Greg's geeky side come out in this episode again. We don't see it enough lately. I also liked seeing Brass work a case with Greg. And Brass had a few great lines. "Sweet Ride" :lol: Loved Greg's Little Cesar Pizza imitation too.

When this Kevin first came on, I was confused, not remembering hearing about a new character. Now I know why. I kind of thought once he popped the pills he would be the natural death. :lol: He was sort of funny in an annoying way. It was funny how they kept saying he was the way he was because he was from LA. It was ironic.

On a side note, Greg can always wear that leather jacket. :D
LOL - I loved the gaming stereotyping... with my husband griping over my shoulder (he's a BIG gamer, I am too, but him more so) "Of COURSE they have to make the gamer a fat slob... IN A DIAPER?! OH C'MON!"

I called Kevin being the natural DB right from the beginning, including the COD... LMAO - a mix of his attitude and constant references to a headache, it made perfect sense. Still, I got a high five from the husband AND both my dogs for calling it... ::grin::

Overall, enjoyed the episode. Could have been better, there were parts that dragged... but overall it worked nicely.
Greg was wearing a leather jacket? How did I not notice that? :lol:
:eek: Seriously??!! :wtf: And you call yourself a Greg fan. :lol:

Otie, I figured once he took the pills in the morgue with Dave he would be the natural and die of an aneurysm or similar. You got that before, you are good. :lol:
Greg was wearing a leather jacket? How did I not notice that? :lol:
:eek: Seriously??!! :wtf: And you call yourself a Greg fan. :lol:

LOL. Well, I actually probably noticed it, just didn't register it for some reason lol. But to be fair, I was computing at the same time lol. I didn't even notice Kevin taking the pills or that Nick's case was a suicide. That's what I get for trying to compute and watch tv at the same time. Gonna have to go back and watch the episode, I guess lol.
Greg was wearing a leather jacket? How did I not notice that? :lol:
:eek: Seriously??!! :wtf: And you call yourself a Greg fan. :lol:

Otie, I figured once he took the pills in the morgue with Dave he would be the natural and die of an aneurysm or similar. You got that before, you are good. :lol:

LOL - nah, just a good ol' fashioned neuroscience geek, to recognize the symptoms of something not being normal in the brain. I mean, the reality is, sure the guy could be a run of the mill jerk normally, but for him to even reach the stage of being able to be an assistant in the morgue associated with a top level lab? He's got to at least know how to filter his jerkiness, and there wasn't even the hint of an attempt or realization that he was making inappropriate comments. I'm a brain-geek... with a little too much time on my hands and too many neuropsychology texts :guffaw:
- I loved that Sara & Greg were working together again.

- Sarcastic Brass rocks! And I loved the bit of backstory with him in Vietnam.

- Was Cath wearing Vartann's shirt?!:lol:

- Why no Cath & Sara scenes - again! :scream:

- Does someone have a good cap of that crime board? Did they seriously take the mysterious "Joe" off that board - after all this time? Or did I just not see his name?

- Lots of gambling mentions but no hint of a Sam Braun reference? What's up with that?! :eek:

- there was a mention of a guy on the Day Shift?! So it still does exist? Why don't we ever see any of them? In all of 11 seasons, the only Day Shift person we've seen is Ecklie and Sofia.

- Catherine checking the gun, then pointing it at... herself? :wtf: That REALLY freaked me out for a moment!

- I really want to know what Kevin said that offended Catherine. That's gotta be a doozy because Cath doesn't get offended very easily.

- Greg watching the gaming replays, but no Archie with him? Bummer!

- Mentions/flashes of previous episodes:
The big diaper reminded me of King Baby. One of the suspects was the killer from Cath's case back in High & Low. The mention of Ipecac reminded me of plushies & furries. Going into that gaming contest (or whatever it was) reminded me of the place with the bot competition in Precious Metal. Kevin's over-blown attitude reminded me of Hodges when he first arrived at the lab in season... 4(?)
I liked this episode. One of the better ones of the seasons. Not as good as I was expecting. I guess I expected more humor overall, but still was a good episode.
I would have to agree Dizz. I think I had myself worked up a little to high for the episode...then a little disappointed, but did enjoy it...if that makes any sense :lol: Great to see a full team effort, and it being well balanced at that. It was sorely missed. I was also super happy to see Hodges back.

I didn't bother trying to call the episode. Instead I just let it play out, but the moment "Kevin the ASSistant" made an appearance, I knew something was going to happen to him eventually. That gut feeling that I am sure most had with his first scene. I figured he'd be the natural, the way he kept talking about it, just wasn't sure how. But Doc's behavior toward the situation was out of character to me as well.

Favorite line of the night for me, goes to Brass: "Game's over....bitches!"

:shifty:...screencaps anyone? :)

Kevin's over-blown attitude reminded me of Hodges when he first arrived at the lab in season... 4(?)
Season 3, and I thought the same thing. :lol: