Hill Harper: Hotter With Or Without Facial Hair?


CSI Level Three
The call for a poll in the "Show Hill Harper Some Love" thread has been loud and clear. Hill is sporting a new look in Season 3 and mentioned in his recent interview that we should let a brother know what we think.

How does Hill look hottest to you? With facial hair, or with the baby smooth look he's currently sporting? Let's hear your thoughts.

EDIT: It's come to my attention that the wording of the third choice is making it difficult for people to choose between other responses. Let's just say it's assumed you'd do him or you wouldn't be wasting time talking about him on a message board. By selecting the first or second choices, you are not saying you wouldn't do him if he wore his facial hair differently.
Oh see, now I'm torn between options two and three, MrsG! :lol: I mean, I love the stubble, but I'm not going to kick him out of the bed either way. :p

Must give it a bit more thought...
hehe i chose number 3... i like him with and with out the facial hair :D
although i was stuck between deciding options 3 and 4 ;) hehe he looks young and cute with out the facial hair, but boy, does he look HOT and manly with it ;) :devil:
I'd do him either way, but I prefer him with facial hair :) he's more sexy and mature with it!

I wanted to answer #4 also...LOL
I picked #3 myself. He looks great either way. The lack of facial hair makes him look a little younger, but I don't really care about that too much ... I mean, he's not Gary's age or anything. :lol: The man is hot no matter what.

Didn't mean to stump anyone with the wording of #3. Let's say it's assumed you'd all do him regardless. Maybe I should add a note about that above.

BTW - Anyone who selects #4 is going to be subject to public ridicule. :lol:
I picked #3 too at first i wasn't liking the clean look, but after wens epi i was like oooohh yeah i'd do him anyway :lol:
of course i picked #3! as i've said before, i'll take him either way... :p

mrs. g, that's true about picking #4! you had to include him in there, didn't ya! :lol:
messinwithmesser said:
mrs. g, that's true about picking #4! you had to include him in there, didn't ya! :lol:
Always. ;) Actually, that choice isn't there for me. It's for all the girls who couldn't answer the abs question objectively due to their professed love for Carmine. :rolleyes:
Public ridicule, eh? I almost picked 4, but I have been wavering in my allegiance to Carmine, so number 2 it is.
Now you just had to go and make it difficult, didn't you? A simple with or without would have been so much easier. I voted for the facial hair since it was my idea in the first place, but I really, really wanted to go with 3 AND 4 (if it had been phrased *slightly* differently - no disrespect to Hill at all!)
ya jus had to go and make it difficult didnt ya MrsG?!! :rolleyes: hehe ;) i did choose number 4 at first.. and then i thought id better not! hehe this thread is all for the love of hill :D the sexy lil devil he is ;)
You're still my number one babe Carmine ;) XXMWAHXX
OMG! I can't believe someone picked #4! :lol: Kidding. I knew someone would, or I wouldn't have given that option. I also know how you girls think and know many of you toyed with #4 before deciding that it's okay to just answer the question. Don't worry. Now that one person has done it, I'm sure you won't be alone.

Looks as if Hill's new look isn't that popular. :( Is it the thought that all that sexy stubble near his mouth might tickle that you're missing? :devil: Or is it not that dirty at all, but simply that you think the hair looks better?