Heroes and Every Day Men: CSI NY - NCIS Crossover

Jordan and Gibbs carried their little mission out. Afterwards they picked up their belongings at Stella’s and drove to the airport for their flight back to DC. Ducky, Ziva, Tony, McGee and Ducky would meet them at the terminal. On their way in, they bumped into Danny and a very large Lindsay.

“Hey. The Messers are back in town!” Jordan called out as she noticed them.

“Hell D’Angelo!” Danny picked her up and swirled her around.

Jordan slapped Danny on his shoulders. “Put me down, you nutcase.” She giggled. Danny did as requested.

“Congratulations parents to be.” Jordan congratulated them.

“What the heck are you doing in New York?” Lindsay giggled. “And who’s this good looking guy?” she whispered to Jordan, loud enough for Gibbs to hear.

“This.” Jordan kissed Gibbs. “Is Jethro. Jethro, meet Danny and Lindsay Messer.”

“Nice to meet you.” Gibbs shook Lindsay’s hand. “Angel, we gotta a plain to catch.” Gibbs reminded Jordan.

“Angel?” Danny questioned.

“Right, I’m sure Mac and Stella will fill you in on everything that’s happened.. Just don't disturb them too early tomorrow morning.” Jordan cautioned. “We’ll meet soon, she promised.”


Later that evening Mac took Stella to Sullivan’s. To Stella’s surprise it was totally empty and dark except for some candles burning. Mac led her to a table that seemed to be waiting for them. As he pulled a chair for Stella, music started to play.

“Mac, this is wonderful.” Stella admired the settings. “How?”

“Jordan and Jethro.” Mac smirked.

“I can hear Jordan singing Britney Spears’ ‘Every time’, but I don’t see them.” Stella remarked.

“It’s a recording from this afternoon.” Mac enlightened her. “They left you a note.” Mac nodded towards the table. Stella wanted to reach out for the note, but Mac stopped her. He then he kneeled down on one knee.
“Stella Bonasera… would you do me the honour of becoming Mrs. Mac Taylor.” He asked while he held out a diamond ring.

A happy tear came down from Stella’s eye. “Mac Taylor, there is nothing in the world I would like more.” She kissed him as he slid the ring on her finger. When they broke apart for air, Mac took Stella’s hand and as she got up, they danced in to the night.

“I love you Stella Taylor.” Mac smirked as he kissed her nose.

“And I love you Mac Taylor. Stella closed the distance between their lips.

Notice me, take my hand
Why are we strangers when
Our love is strong
Why carry on without me

Every time I try to fly, I fall
Without my wings, I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And every time I see you in my dreams
I see your face, it's haunting me
I guess I need you, baby

The End – For now


A/N: That's it folks. At least for now. At the moment I'm writing a follow up called 'Heroes and Fathers.' But this story will take place in Washington DC. So let me know if you think it'll be worth reading here or on FF.

Thanks, Jools
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Awesome story Jools I loved it!:thumbsup: I have to read it again soon as I found enough time! ;)

You should write more stories about Mac and Gibbs!:bolian:
Thank you for all your lovely comments. It gave me a reason to write more.
Heroes and Every Day Men have moved on with their lives.
To find all about it, you can read in Heroes and Fathers. Clicking on my banner will help you get there.

Enjoy the new Story.

Jools :devil::devil::devil: