Help Please!!


I have Paint Shop Pro and i was wondering how you resize your picture without making it look all squished. Im trying to make a banner. If anyone knows how to even resize please post!! :)
i have Photoshop CS, i dunno if it's different from Paint Shop Pro, but on mine, i go to "Image" at the top of the screen, then on the drop down menu choose "Image size..." and type in your resolutions.

sorry if it's no help!
first you have to crop your picture (it also under IMAGE or tool bar) choose your crop tool.. you'll see width and height somewhere... write there 220/75 and crop your picture.. then resize it :) hope it helps.. (my english is not so good )
ohh, i think i know the problem...if it isn't what tuesdaymorning said, then you have to crop the picture.

it's usually better to start with a blank canvas, then add in your pictures as you go.

icons are so much easier that's why i don't do banners :lol:

Edit: what CSI_mania said :D
I don't use PSP, but I'm pretty sure it's the same idea as it is in Photoshop.

If it is, then just select the whole image and copy the picture from it's canvas and paste it onto the banner's canvas.