Help Guide & Board Rules *Updated* Mar. '08


CSI Level Three
Welcome to the Websites Forum!

Just to spruce this place up a little, and to make it easier for new members, this thread will provide helpful links and Board Guidelines to make your stay here enjoyable. To clarify, the Website Forum is for CSI-related websites only, that you have either created or found.

The Board Rules / Questions, Suggestions & Feedback Thread / FAQ / Announcements / CSIFiles News / CSIFiles News Discussion Forum / Having More than One Account

- Users must have 50 posts and be here for 2 weeks to get an avatar (and PM access).
- Then find an avatar then upload it to your own host site (ie , then copy the URL come over here click "My Home", then down to edit "Personal Information", then Check the box stating you have an avatar, Paste the URL in the line provided, go down and click submit, To check if it is working, click "My home" go down to the bottom and you should see you're avatar. If you don't retry it again, and then if it still doesn't work, you can ask in QSF (Questions/Suggestions/Feedback) Forum for more help.
- Note: avatars can not carry Adult Content, Swearing, Baiting, Trolling or Flaming in them.

Banner sizes & Information:
- You may have a banner (Dimensions = 220wide x 75high) OR simple text.
- You may not have BOTH.
- To resize a banner if you do not know how to do it, you can always go into the "Art Forum" and ask for help, there are plenty of talented people who can help you.
- Note: Banners cannot carry Adult Content, Swearing, Baiting, Trolling or Flaming in them.

Downloading discussion:
- If it is from a legal site, i.e. ITunes, Walmart, etc [where you PAY for the downloads] it may be discussed. Please do not link directly to fanvideos, clips, YouTube previews/videos, etc.

- Note: CBS does have its own YouTube Space. Therefore, videos posted by CBS [it MUST say, provided by: CBS] is fine. If it states that it is done by a fan, then it would fall under the "fan Video" category.

Fan Video's:
The admins have decided that Fan Video's will no longer be allowed to be posted any where on the TalkCSI Site, this includes links to them, under any circumstances, including the fair use act protection. There are copywrite issues regarding the use of clips from eps, and there is also the music issues as well. We would also like to remind you of the "Intellectual Property" rule in which it states that you can not discuss, request or link to any material that is downloaded.

ETA: It has been decided that Youtube videos will be permitted for posting. However, this is not that place to post them. You may link to a website that carries videos. But the video itself belongs in the LV, Miami, NY, Fan Art & Shipper forums, respectfully.

I urge you to read the rules carefully and make sure you understand them. If you have any questions, feel free to ask :)
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Re: Help Guide & Board Rules

"Fan Video's:
The admins have decided that Fan Video's will no longer be allowed to be posted any where on the TalkCSI Site, this includes links to them, under any circumstances, including the fair use act protection. There are copywrite issues regarding the use of clips from eps, and there is also the music issues as well. We would also like to remind you of the "Intellectual Property" rule in which it states that you can not discuss, request or link to any material that is downloaded."

I alway found this statement to be contridictory as the forum allows illegally obtained copyright images to be posted.
Re: Help Guide & Board Rules

margfan said:
I alway found this statement to be contridictory as the forum allows illegally obtained copyright images to be posted.

As far as I know, the few members who post Promotional Images have permission from the show to release the photos. Also, posting screencaps and other types of photos do not infringe on copyright laws, whereas fan videos do.
Re: Help Guide & Board Rules

*yawns* Are we at this AGAIN?

If any of the copyright holders have any problem with the photos, they'd contact the runners of this board and the members here would be asked not to post any of those photos. I don't see the point of making it such a big deal when it's none of your business at all. The mods/admins are the ones who establish the rules here, not you. And this is certainly not the right place to complain about the board rules.
Re: Help Guide & Board Rules

*yawns* Are we at this AGAIN?

No, we're not.

This thread was created to help and inform members - not to start problems. Promos/screencaps/etc are allowed. Fan Videos are not. Simple as that.
Re: Help Guide & Board Rules

I was not directing my post at any direct member. All I was trying to state is images just like videos are copyright too. If a member has permission to post images, awesome! If a member obtains permission to make a video clips of their celeb from an new or old movie / tv show it would be nice to see link. I am not here to argue and I am open to PM's
Re: Help Guide & Board Rules

I understand you're not here to argue or accuse anyone. The fact remains, unless a member gets permission from CBS or any other movie/television company to use their clips, it infringes on copyright laws to use said clips. Therefore it against the rules to post them here.
Re: Help Guide & Board Rules

Hi there,

I'm trying to find the best place to post this question. I've seen other related posts but can't remember where.

In any case, I STILL cannot get the CSI-Caps web-site to load. I thought it was a site issue, but t's been, what, weeks now, and I haven't figured it out. With the seasons over, I would love to see what new caps are out there. I had no previous issues with viewing it, and nothing's changed with my computer or internet service. Has something changed with the site? ? Do I now have to do something on my computer to "allow" it or is it a site issue? Any helpful hints?? Please???

Thanks :D