Hello Everybody

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Once upon a time CSI Las Vegas was truly the bright star in my TV night sky ... However, after a number of episodes I noticed a nervous tic began to appear on the right side of my face. What was this all about I thought? Was it the CONSTANT use of the SAME, BORING formula in EVERY damn show, slowly starting to irritate the crap out of me ? Was it the FLASHLIGHTS? ... Flashlights when it is dark, flashlights when there is more than adequate light. Flashlights for breakfast, lunch AND dinner, plus the odd snack in between. TURN THE DAMN LIGHTS ON! The casting of either nerds, quirks or misfits with the likes of
'Botoxed Mutton' (MARG HELGENBERGER), 'Goofy Madonna' (JORJA FOX), 'Squinty Eyes' (GARY DORDAN) and 'Bandy Legged Cowboy' (WILLIAM PETERSEN), to name but a few.

I can't stand CSI but I wish you all a VERY Happy New Year!
What you refer to as flashlights are called Alternate Light Source. The operation of an alternate light source, with the correct filters and/or goggles, is for the detection and collection of blood, fibers, and biological fluids that would not appear under normal room lighting.

As for the casting of nerds, quirks or misfits, they are playing characters and do not necessarily portray their true personalities. You are entitled to your opinion on the show, story lines, characters, etc, but the moderators of this board will probably tell you that they frown on personal attacks.

As you can see, I am defending the show because I am still a fan. It is not meant for everybody. Maybe, if you like either the Miami or New York spinoffs, you can find something nice to say about them in their forums on this board.

Anyway, welcome and have a happy new year.
I'm glad he/she/it didn't make a nasty comment about George Eads :p Bet this thread will be closed, who's in?
Don't like the show and don't watch it. I'm still a fan of them. They nothing like their characters, they played them. I'm glad this person didn't talk about George. Yes, this board will be closed soon.
softcake_70 said:
I'm glad he/she/it didn't make a nasty comment about George Eads :p Bet this thread will be closed, who's in?

A bad comment about George? That's not possible :p And yeah this thread needs to be closed.
Well apparently the person who orginially started this did so with no real content, mixed with a touch of Trolling, and as always add a sprinkle of spam. We mix this altogether and you get a locked thread, and an Official Warning, Congradulations it worked. :D

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