Hell on Earth, the life of Sara Sidle


Police Officer
This fiction is going to take the reader back in time. We are going back to the time when Sara Sidle was in highschool, at the age of fifteen, my age. I will use my ideas and experiences of my, sometimes depressing, life as a source of inspiration. The only one we know from CSI is going to be Greg. I don’t know if I am going to add any other characters from CSI, maybe I’ll introduce Grissom.

I still need ideas for classmates, so if you have any, please post them.

“ah, finally!” her alarmclock read 7 AM. She had been awake since four this morning. Her foster parents didn’t like her. She didn’t like them either. They only had her for “show,” in their social circle, you were supposed to have children. Because they didn’t really care much about her, they wanted her to be silent and in her room when she was home.
She got out of bed, took off her pajamas and threw them under the sheets. She grabbed her jeans, t-shirt and sweater. She didn’t look great, but she didn’t care, as long as she wasn’t cold.
Now came the hardest part, Lisa, her stepmother. Lisa didn’t care about Sara’s feelings, as long as her “little angel” looked pretty, and behaved like a whore…
Sara tried to sneak out of the house, carrying her bag with books. Just as she reached the front door, Lisa spotted her.
“Sara! You can’t go to school like that! You need to be pretty, or the guys will look past you! And where is your make-up? Why didn’t you put on the make-up I bought for you? You look adorable when you wear it!” Lisa walked out of the kitchen, and pulled Sara back up the stairs by her shoulders.

“Lisa! I don’t care about how I look! Please stop, I’ll be late for class!”
“You can be late for this once, you are always so punctual, try to relax. And call me mother, this is going to hurt a little.”
“Ouch! That hurt, and you are not my mother!”
“Well, who wants to be beautiful, needs to suffer.”
“But I don’t want to be beautiful! I want know a lot and that’s why I’m leaving now, I want to get to school!”
Sara struggled to get out of Lisa’s tight grip and ran down the stairs, out the door. She didn’t tell Lisa that the first hour was cancelled today, she didn’t want her to know or her hated beauty treatment would go on for another hour. Sara liked to walk to school, it gave her a chance to think about things, her life. She hated thinking about her life, it sucked, sometimes she wanted to go back to the times she lived with her real parents, sure they were drunk and her father hit her and her mother, but they didn’t force her to date people, or look like a cheap whore.

She was the first one in the classroom, as always. ‘I want to read’ so she opened her bag and got a new book out “Deception Point” by Dan Brown. As she started to read, someone entered the classroom. It was Greg. He was the only one in almost the entire school who didn’t treat her like shit.
“Good morning Greg.”
Greg sat down next to her and he got out his new book, “Digital Fortress” another book by Dan Brown. After another, silent, thirty minutes, the science teacher, Ms Stuw came in. “Good morning guys, why did I expect you to be here?”
They both grinned, their teacher knew them better than a lot of their own peers.
Another ten minutes later, the first students came in, hell had arrived...
Good so far! Keep going, or its pitch fork in the stomach for you. :devil: jk
Sara swallowed, she knew what was going to happen next. Susan walked in. “I see the geeks have already arrived, and how surprisingly, they are reading!”

“Shut up Susan! Even geeks have feelings… Weird ones, but still, feelings that are hurt by you…” The voice belonged to Tracy, she liked Susan, but sometimes disagreed with her behavior. Sara and Greg ignored the remarks and continued reading.

The lesson was boring, they had gone over the subject twice already, so the “geeks” just continued reading.


As Sara walked down the hallways, several people bumped in to her
“oops, I’m so not sorry”
She had gotten used to it by now, and decided to ignore it.
Sara didn’t go to the cafeteria to lunch, she never did instead, she went to the nearby park and continued reading. The book fascinated her, she couldn’t put it down.
Unfortunately for her, today was a beautiful day and Sara wasn’t the only one who thought of going to the park, as she spotted Susan and her little clan, Sara ducked away into the bushes, she didn’t want them to find the spot she spent her free brake time, away from them. “shit, too late…” Susan saw her and pointed her hiding place out to her friends, who laughed and whispered something to each other. Susan ran up to Sara and offered her a hand to stand up, Sara foolishly took it. Instead of allowing her to stand up, Susan pulled her out of the bushes and put her foot on Sara’s chest.
“Hey girls, look what I found! A lost geek!”
Susan still had her foor on Sara’s chest, barely allowing her to get air.
“Susan, get off of me!”
“What did you say Sar?”
“That I’m going to use my weaponless defense training on you!” Sara shouted with her last breath, before gabbing Susan’s foot with both hands and quickly turning it more than 90 degrees, causing her ankle to almost break. As Susan fell backwards, Sara got up and tried to run away, she was stopped by Susan’s friends.
“You stupid bitch!”
Now, they threw a punch at Sara, and another, and another.
After many punches, they finally stopped, Sara was on the floor, with a bleeding face and holding her wrist terribly good.
“That’ll teach never to assault one of us!” Susan said as she spitted on Sara.
They turned around and walked away, leaving Sara behind in the middle of the park.
I'd love some reviews/reactions on this, I don't know if I should continue it.

Next chapter:
“Sara, oh my god are you ok?” Greg said as he approached her. He had overheard Susan when she said she left Sara in the park, severely beaten. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, and when he saw a girl lying there, his heart broke. He really cared about Sara, she was his only friend in the whole school and it hurt him to see her like this.
After Greg helped her, Sara stood up.
“You should let someone have a loot at that wrist…”
“I don’t really care anymore…”
“Sara, it’s broken!”
“Oh, I didn’t notice.”
“C’mon, I’ll call a cab…”
“Greg, I don’t feel good, I rather just…”
Before she finished that sentence, Greg felt her body turning to jelly, he could barely hold her. She passed out, so he carefully laid her on a bench in the park, before pulling his phone out and calling 911.

Fifteen minutes later, the paramedics arrived, they loaded her in the ambulance.
“Could I please go with her?” Greg asked
“Ofcourse, climb in.”
After they were about ten minutes in the ambulance, they heard a frightening beep, Sara’s heart had stopped.
“Charge to 180!” one of the paramedics shouted as he pulled the irons out of the box.
“Charge to 240!”
“Charge to 360!”
Sara’s pulse came back, Greg felt a sudden relief he couldn’t describe.
“Go go go! We need to get to the hospital asap!”
Omg .. wow. I just started reading this and I really wasn't expecting that. It's really good though!
I love it! Please write more! :) It's so sad.. how people can treat eachother so bad. Thats one of the reasons I'm against the war. Little OT. BACK on topic: waiting for the next chapter.
You want it? You get it...

Greg sat on a chair next to Sara’s bed. She was asleep. The assault had caused severe internal bleeding, it was a wonder she was still alive.
Her foster parents, weren’t in the hospital, although Greg called them over two hours ago. “Don’t they care! They should take care of her, they are her parents!” He started to realize how Sara became the person she was, it hadn’t been pleasant. Greg knew Sara hated life, she confessed that to him once while she had been drugged at the prom. Sara didn’t want to go, but her “mother” forced her. When it was late in the evening, Lisa had put something in her glass, XTC. Sara noticed right away, but she was too late. Before the drugs took effect, she called Greg, he had gotten her out of there immediately. When he watched her, she told a little too much about her feelings to him. She told him her life sucked so much she didn’t want to live it anymore.
That scared Greg to death. He didn’t want to admit it, but he felt more for Sara than ordinary friendship. Sara was the only one he had on this earth. Unfortunately, she didn’t trust anyone. Everyone who she should have been able to trust had hurt her. Greg was going to make sure he wasn’t going to.
It might be too late though, Sara was near death now, and even if she survived this, she didn’t want to live anymore.
“Excuse me Mr. Sanders, where are Miss Sidle’s parents?” Greg came back to reality within nanoseconds.
“eeuh, I called them two hours ago, but they didn’t show up yet. I’m here though…”
“Well, Miss Sidle is most likely to make a complete recovery. I do however advise psychotherapy.”
“Why? She isn’t mad, she was beaten up…”
“Oh, you didn’t know? Well, this always comes as a shock, but we found marks on her wrists that indicate that she tried to cut them.”
For the second time that day, Greg’s world collapsed. He knew Sara didn’t want to live anymore, he didn’t know however that she had actually tried to end her life. If Sara would die, he was alone. Sara was the only one who he had to talk to, to spend time with. She was the only one who understood how he felt.
“Mr Sanders? Are you ok?”
“Uh, of course, I’ll discuss it… Could I please see her?”
“You can, but she is asleep right now.”
“That’s ok, I’d just like to see her”
After he shook the nurse’s hand, he slowly opened the door and walked in. He sat next to her bed on the only chair in the whole room.
“Hey Sara.”
She didn’t respond, she was asleep. Sara looked peaceful when she slept, she left the world for what it was just for a few moments. Not feeling pain. Greg took her good, left, hand in his. He carefully turned it around, it reveled a number of small cuts, like she hesitated before she finally slid them. He continued to carefully hold the hand of the only person he knew understood him, he wasn’t going to let her kill herself. If not because of the fact Sara would die, but his only reason for living would die with her…

Fall to Pieces – Avril Lavinge

Make it through the fall,
Make it through it all.

And I don't wanna fall to pieces
I just want sit and stare at you.
I don't want to talk about it
And I don't want a conversation
I just want cry in front of you.
I don't want to talk about it
'Cause I'm in love with you.

You're the only one
I'd be with till the end.
When I come undone
you bring me back again.
Back under the stars,
Back into your arms.

And I don't wanna fall to pieces
I just want sit and stare at you.
I don't want to talk about it
And I don't want a conversation
I just want cry in front of you.
I don't want to talk about it
'Cause I'm in love with you.

Wanna know who you are,
Wanna know where to start,
I wanna know what this means.

Wanna know how you feel,
Wanna know what is real.
I wanna know everything... Everything.

I don't wanna fall to pieces
I just want sit and stare at you.
I don't want to talk about it
And I don't want a conversation
I just want cry in front of you.
I don't want to talk about it.

And I don't wanna fall to pieces
I just wanna sit and stare at you.
I don't wanna talk about it.
And I don't want a conversation
I just want to cry in front of you.
I don't want to talk about it.
'Cause I'm in love wth you

I'm in love with you,
'Cause I'm in love with you.
I'm in love with you,
I'm in love with you.
Next chapter, please, I need ideas for Susan's clan, I have to stop using characters/people I know...

“Ok, we have a problem” Susan said to her “fanclub.”
“Somehow, Greg ‘geek’ Sanders overheard us and found Sara. He also knows we, well, had a meeting with her. Now, she is in the hospital, but when she gets out, they will come for us. Fortunately, the only people who know are Sara and Greg. If you all keep your mouth closed and we know how to shut them up, we will not go to prison or have any nasty side effects of the meeting”
“Well, I’m so out of here, I didn’t touch her, I think you shouldn’t interfere with Sara in the first place.” Tracy said as she got up and got ready to leave.
“You aren’t going anywhere, or we’ll make your life even harder than Sara’s.” After having heard this, she was shocked and quietly went back to the group and sat down again.
“good girl, now, Sara isn’t difficult to shut up, she doesn’t speak much anyways and she knows what will happen if she says the wrong things…”
Tracy swallowed “Didn’t you hurt her enough already! The poor girl is in the hospital fighting for her life!”
“Are you really that stupid, Tracy? Or do you just look like you are! If you don’t participate in this, the way we will treat you is going to be so bad that you wish you were Sara!”
“I eeh”
“Just think about it a few minutes while we discuss how to get out of this assault…”
For the first time this evening, Robyn spoke. Robyn was considered to be the school’s ‘slut’ There weren’t many guys, and girls, in the school that she hadn’t been somehow involved with. Greg was one of the few.
“Susan, I know one way…”
“Ok, let’s do it. Otherwise, I’ll have to call in a few friends to make him change his mind in a way which includes a little more force…”
“Are you going to beat up even more people?” Tracy was disgusted by her once friend…
“Only if Robyn can’t convince them with, eeh, pleasure…”
“Let me ask you just one more question before I make my decision to walk out of here. Why did you assault Sara ‘geek’ Sidle?”
“It’s fun to tease the geeks a little! You should know that Tracy”
“I’m sorry Susan, but I don’t beat up people just for the fun of it! I’m out of here, and I don’t wish to associate with any of you ever, ever again.”
“Sure Trace, go get a life or something..”
Tracy ran out of the building, as fast as her feet could carry her. When she was outside, the coolness of the night relaxed her. She leaned against the wall just outside the door. She opened her purse, took a small device out and pressed the stop button.

“That was for you Sara.”

Susan was shocked, she knew Tracy was a risk, but that she would have the guts to just leave Susan didn’t know. This was strange, too strange. Susan got her cell, and called a familiar number.
“Tony, Tracy just ran out of the house here, I suspect she did something. Hear her out ok? Anda, enjoy yourself with her ok…

“Girls, Tracy is history…”
RoosCSILover said:
I love it! Please write more! :) It's so sad.. how people can treat eachother so bad. Thats one of the reasons I'm against the war. Little OT. BACK on topic: waiting for the next chapter.

Well, think about it. If there was no war or world peace. Nobody would die of being murdered or of war or anything else that war has caused. It's like mice. If they wern't eaten by other animals, there would be to many, and it would be over populated. Nowhere to put them. Thats why we have owls, to eat the mice. So the balance of nature is restored. Same with people. Well, that's my perspective. We all can have different opinions.
Sorry if I went off topic, but that was starting to bug me. So, keep writing!! Update ASAP!