Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketeers**


Lab Technician
Okay, here we go. Sorry I don't have any screencaps of the three of them together, can someone help out? In the meantime, just imagine the three of them in the shower.:devil:

Flack and Hawkes have finally stopped fighting over Danny. They decided to share. Bring on the robospanker!
Danny's ass is going to be very red if they bring the robospanker! :lol:

I don't have screencaps, but I bet they've been in a scene together, at least once.
Hooray! for the new thread.

I hope the robospanker comes with re-chargeable batteries... :devil:

*runs off, looking for screencaps*
This is great! Three of my favorite men- together ;)

They are going to have to buy another Robospanker just to keep up! ;)

Poor Danny, he is really in for the ride of his life, now :devil:
They will--Flack and Hawkes are industrious like that. :lol:

I wonder if the Danny Waddle will get more pronounced with two riders. :lol:
I'm sure Danny will be glad to work in the lab for a while, where he doesn't have to sit down. ;)

The rides to the crime scenes must be torture!
*cough* Unless both Hawkes and Flack ravish him in the car before they get out.

Poor Danny. :devil: It's just a question of time until he ends up in the ER with an IV-drip in his arm, due to, er, malnutrition caused by, well, excessive loss of bodily fluids?
Ooh, three-way hotness! :devil: Who else sees Hawkes in a pimp suit? He'll put that pimp-cane to good use, I'm sure. :p

*whack* "Who's your daddy now, Kinka-Poodle?"
(Danny squealing) "You are!"
"Damn straight, bitch." *blings*
Flack nods with respect.

:lol: Oh, this is going to be fun. :devil:

By the way, I was searching through the S2 episodes and I couldn't find a single one with all three guys on the same case. :( I guess if they put all that hot slashy goodness in one scene the lab might explode. :devil: Ah well, we know what goes on after the shift is over. The SUV won't just be rocking, it'll be rolling! :lol: After all, we know Hawkes appreciates a fine little ass (after that scene in "Grand Murder at Central Station" with the J-Lo video ;)), so Danny won't stand a chance. :devil:
Faylinn said:

*whack* "Who's your daddy now, Kinka-Poodle?"
(Danny squealing) "You are!"
"Damn straight, bitch." *blings*
Flack nods with respect.

:lol: Oh, this is going to be fun. :devil:

:eek: Whoa. How badly corrupted am I if I can actually imagine that...*shakes head* :D It's hilarious, though.

All I can say is: Come over to the dark side, Luke, eh Faylinn!

Me wonders what kinds of things Danny would do to please his Daddy. Wouldn't want to bring the cane on, now, would he?
Heh. Danny's a total freak, he'll do whatever he's told. ;) Or else. :p

So long as Danny and Hawkes don't start arguing over who's got the better abs. :devil: Danny does not want to be punished by the Pimp Daddy. Teh Pimp sexiness will weild his cane, and I wouldn't be surprised if Flack whipped out a leash to contain the Kinka-Poodle. Heh. 50 whacks from the Robospanker ought to be sufficient. :devil: Flack will have to administer the punishment while Teh Pimp sits back and watches, pimp-cup in hand.

"Who's got the better abs?"
"Y-you do--ow--Pimp D-daddy."
"That's right." *blings*

It's so not fair when they gang up on poor Danny...Heh, who am I kidding. :devil:

But you know, who'd have ever thunk that Hawkes had such a bad-ass Pimp-side to him? Teh Pimp Doctor is totally in charge. :devil:

Edit: Oh, and Bunny, I'm totally on the DDark Side. Heh. Isn't it amazing how Sheldon's initial lends itself so well to that naughty little name? :devil:
Teh Pimp Doctor

:D OMG! I love it!

*shakes head* Hawkes surprises me. He always seems a bit on the shy side, yet there's this wild side to him. Rawwr!!

Can you imagine the smug look on Flack's face as their Pimp Daddy tells him how to punish the Kinka-Poodle? I bet he enjoys every minute of making Danny squirm. :devil: And then some!

And Hawkes loves being in charge and telling Flack and Danny what to do...and where...and how to... :devil:

The DDark Side
:) Perfect!
^^^ :lol: pimp doctor? that is soooo hawkes. him being the doctor and all i agree that he'll like being in charge. poor danny though, he's always like the lab rat. i bet flack and hawkes test all kinds of new positions on him! :lol:

a cane?!?! okay, hawkes IS a bit freaky. reminds me of kimmychu's DD story though... :p
reminds me of kimmychu's DD story though... :lol:
Heh. That's probably more than a little bit responsible for the initial pimp-thoughts. (Since I've just read that particular story). ;)

OMG! I love it!
Heh. Teh Pimp Doctor it is then. ;)