Having More Than One Account


Just a reminder:

IF you start a second account to start trouble, it will mean closing both it AND your primary account when I catch it.

Don't do it!

Amnesty now. PM me with any dupes if you wish to keep your primary account and I'll shut the extra one. I can and have shut down people using more than one account.
I'm reposting this because I'm seeing a helluva lot of duals pop up.

Just a reminder:

IF you start a second account to start trouble, it will mean closing both it AND your primary account when I catch it.

Don't do it!

Amnesty now. PM me with any dupes if you wish to keep your primary account and I'll shut the extra one. I can and have shut down people using more than one account.

If you share an account (in that your sibling, roommate, etc shares a comp) it would be smart to let me know so I'll notate that.