Happy Independance Day


I'm wishing you all a safe and happy Independance Day. Hopefully you can be with family and friends, have fun and don't drink and drive. Hvae fun, eat soe good BBQ and enjoy fireworks.

God Bless America
what I think is stupid is people wishing Happy Birthday to America. I mean what are you going to do go outside and yell, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to the dirt?

Celebrate with your fireworks and have a great time, but don't forget to remember why we are celebrating. That bugs me too.

Oh and Happy 4th everybody and thanks to everybody who gave their life to allow us to celebrate today.
It is Independence actually. ;)

I don't think wishing America a happy birthday is stupid. ...Yeah, no.

Anyway, my quick history lesson on this day;

History of Independence Day/July 4th

Schoolchildren in America learn the basic history of the events surrounding the Fourth of July, but the details of this monumental occasion in American history somehow fall through the cracks.

Although July 4th is celebrated as America's official split from Britain's rule and the beginning of the American Revolution, the actual series of events show that the process took far longer than a single day.

The original resolution was introduced by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia on June 7, 1776, and called for the Continental Congress to declare the United States free from British rule. Three days later a committee headed by Thomas Jefferson was appointed to prepare an appropriate writing for the occasion.

The document that we know as the Declaration of Independence was adopted by Congress on July 4th, although the resolution that led to the writing of the Declaration was actually approved two days earlier.

All of this had occurred with some of the delegates to the Congress not even present. New York, for example, didn't vote on the resolution until July 9th.

Even more interesting is the fact that not a single signature was appended to the Declaration on July 4th. While most of the fifty-six names were in place by early August, one signer, Thomas McKean, didn't actually sign the Declaration until 1781.

Nevertheless, July 4th was the day singled out to mark the event of the United States establishing itself as a nation.

Only four American holidays are still celebrated on their proper calendar days: Halloween, Christmas, New Year's and Independence Day. Of all the secular holidays, the Fourth of July is the only one whose celebration date resists change. Even in more provincial times, suggestions to alter the day of the festival to the preceding Saturday or the following Monday when July 4th fell on Sunday were protested.

The feeling about the sanctity of America's Independence day was best expressed in a quotation from the Virginia Gazette on July 18th, 1777: "Thus may the 4th of July, that glorious and ever memorable day, be celebrated through America, by the sons of freedom, from age to age till time shall be no more. Amen and Amen."
I also have to mention "Happy Birthday to My Dad" when we were kids he was evil and told us that on the 4th of july we were celebrating His birthday so when asked in school what we were celebrating we'd raise our hands and say "Our Daddies birthday" Now of course we know better but to this day he tries to tell my Nieces and Nephews that the fireworks and the celebration was all for him
SaraSidleStokes said:
I also have to mention "Happy Birthday to My Dad" when we were kids he was evil and told us that on the 4th of july we were celebrating His birthday so when asked in school what we were celebrating we'd raise our hands and say "Our Daddies birthday" Now of course we know better but to this day he tries to tell my Nieces and Nephews that the fireworks and the celebration was all for him

had an uncle who did that. Luckily I didn't like raising my hand so I didn't make an idiot of myself.
Happy 4th. <fireworks>
Hey, thanks for the history lesson, teusdaymorning! That is so much more interesting than anything my history teachers said about Independence Day...

had an uncle who did that. Luckily I didn't like raising my hand so I didn't make an idiot of myself.

well Obviously I'm not like that now (I'm not even in school anymore) but when I was about 3 or 4 years old and In Preschool I was quite impressionable
1776! I really thought America would be older! I knew it wasn;t that old but I had excpected it to be older than that!

But hope you guys had a good 4th of july!
I wanted to mention that after my neighbors finished setting off their own personal fireworks, which are illegal in Massachusetts, my dog was shaking like there was no tommorrow. In fact when she got walked the next morning she tried to run like a bat out of hell after she heard a car start.