Happy Birthday Top41!

Awww, thank you guys! :D *gives hugs all around*

I will definitely try to get in some Springmoonesque trouble. ;) :devil:

Well, last time you did that I helped carry you out of the place, so it's all good!

Elsie said:
Wait a minute, I never got my own birthday thread back in February? Springmoon, I'm feeling a lack of love from you.

I was on vacation! I definitely lifted an elbow for you... maybe 5 elbows.
Happy Birthday Top!
Hope you have a great birthday :)

And Happy early Birthday csiwendy!
I hope you have a wonderful day too :D
Happy Birthday Top, I hope that you have a truely great day and many happy returns. :D *Hugs you.*
Thanks guys! It was definitely a great one. :D

Springmoon, you would be proud. I had a couple of Mai Tais. :eek: ;) :D
Well,i`m known for coming late to the party:lol:

I hope you had a great one,Top and as they say the older you get the younger you act;)