OMG!!! Here you are!! I couldn't find the thread!!! :blushes:
Well, this is my way to say Happy Birthday to Jon. Here is a small part of a song we sing in my country on b-days.
"Yo por mi parte deseo, lleno de luz este día, todo lleno de alegría en esta fecha natal, y que esa luna plateada brille su luz para ti, y ruego a Dios por que pases un Cumpleaños Feliz"
¡¡¡Feliz Cumpleaños Jon!!!
Translation (a little bad one, sorry): I wish you a day full of light and joy, on this important date. And I wish the silver moon shines its light for you, and I ask God you spend a Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday Jon!!!
I wish you Good Luck in your life, since Caracas/Venezuela in South America!!!
And, by the way, you're very handsome!!!
