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I have noticed that most of you are all H/C shippers. All
17 million of you.

I just want to know why. I am an H/Y shipper, and I have to say that I really don't see H/C. I've looked back to what everyone has said on the subject, and everyone seems to feel pretty strongly about H/C. And I say, What? :lol:

The though... makes me puke... :lol: :lol:

Now I know that Horatio and Yelina are related, but not by blood. By law. Think of it like this, they don't have the same Biological Mother and Father.

There not really brother and sister. And Horatio's brother is dead, which makes Yelina a widdow. If Ray is not
there to keep the marriage, isn't Horatio being Yelina's
sister in-law even less of an issue? It looks
like the writers are heading the H/Y way.

I really have to ask you peeps somethin'. Has Horatio said
the same things to Calleigh, as he has Yelina. No. Has
Horatio said anything to Calleigh? No.
And I really have to point out the relationship, and lack of...

Sure Calleigh has said some flirtatious lines, but isn't she always doing that. Isn't every woman in Miami doing that? Calleigh is Horatio's colleague, and good friend.

But Horatio's relationship with Yelina is, you were married
to my dead brother, and I have feelings for you before
you married my brother, and I still do. If Calleigh is so
hung up on Horatio, how come she didn't say to Horatio, the
things she said to Hagen? If Horatio is so hung up on
Calleigh, how come he didn't say the same things to
Calleigh, he said to Yelina?

I'm not insulting anyone, and I respect all of your thoughts
and opinions, I'm just trying to understand.
It strikes me funny as to how you guys get that kind of
vibe, from the lack of romantic interaction. Not to
mention the lact of just plain interaction.

I have seen Horatio and Yelina make some moves, and said
some come-on lines, but has Horatio, and Calleigh said
things like that to eachother? If they were ment
to be together, how come niether of them mentions it?
Acts on it? Something, some little inication would help.
Even a glance would say something.

Remember, good old fashion debate, have fun, don't chew
my head off.

So... what...

A Miami chick gets laid? When? Which episode!?
Y or C, I'm in.

Or maybe... H likes the groupies.



Oh, you were talking about Horatio's relationships with both of them.

It'll never work. Y and C are gay with each other, you can tell by their uncomfortable stares at one another when other people are around.

Rox, your promotion scares me :lol:
I had to vote for H/Y because... well, you can see it.
They have feelings but Y is just so darn bitchy.
But I guess this is something what TV show needs..
Like in CSI LV... G/S or G/C
Ya can see it everywhere where "Ooh, which one should he love... " :lol:
Oh, must say even this is OT for this.. have ya noticed
in original CSI... they have.. Grissom, Warric, Nick, Sara and Catherine...and Brass.
In CSIM they have H/Horatio, Calleigh, Alexx, Speed and Delko. How on earth do they pick up who they call with first name and who the call with surname?? :D
This just bugs me.... esp calling your boss with first name?
Thank God!!!!!!! I thought the first two post were all
about blowing my head across the room! Thankyou for seeing
it my way guys! *rox does victory dance, owww my ancle* LOL!
I hope that for the rest of you, laying it down will help.
And except for the last episode, she has been pretty nice.
I think she had the right to get mad. If that was really
Horatio's kid, but she doesn't know that, so...
He'd better tell her, or I'm gonna be super pissed! :lol:
:lol:...u said something about a kid....spill..i dont understand *cries*..my head hurts from all this thinking
Ray had a kid with Sueze, (I'm not sure how to spell it.)
and Sueze came back, and Horatio got them a two
bedroom apartment. LOL! And Yelina thinks she's Horatio's
kid. But she's not.

P.S. I was putting the word 'it' where 'she' was, until I
noticed and I can't stop laughing!!! :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol://shes not the only one with wishful thoughts

chec out my location
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