GSR - How Do I Live Without You?

Spoilers: Beginning about post-The Good, The Bad, and The Dominatrix and continuing through Living Doll.
Rating: R for possible language and violence
Song: “How Do I Live Without You” By Trisha Yearwood to be used later on in the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own CSI: Crime Scene Investigation nor do I claim to (although I wish I did). I’m not a part of CBS, Alliance Atlantis and/or any of their affiliates. If I did own CSI, Sara would not be possibly dying and Lady Heather would have died. XD. If you don’t like GSR, this is not the story for you. Get over it. It’s a canon ship and will be forever.

Thanks go to my beta and my darling sister, Leah. Only she gets to find my random typos.

Chapter: 1/?

Sara was thankful shift had ended quickly that day. She wanted out of the lab and away from everyone commenting on the supposed relationship that Grissom and Lady Heather had together. It was the last thing in the world she had wanted to hear. She was the only woman to rattle him. The words continued to ring in her ears. I just wonder which one of them wore the chaps. She rolled her eyes as she unlocked her Denali. Damn Catherine for telling her these things. Damn Grissom for liking the woman. Damn Heather for being someone he could like. Damn herself for letting it get to her the way it was.

Sara pulled into the driveway of Grissom’s townhouse. No, their townhouse. She needed to continue reminding herself of that. It felt weird sometimes to live with someone else, but it was the days when shift was hard that falling asleep in his arms made the world a better place. She got out of the Denali and locked the car before going inside the house.

Bruno came bounding up to her as Sara entered the house. She smiled, lightly scratching behind the dog’s ears as she glanced around for some sign of Grissom being home. Finding none, she sighed softly and moved into the kitchen to feed the dog. She moved around the kitchen and the living room while the dog was eating to see if she could find a note or something from Grissom. Once again, nothing, but she wasn’t that surprised. After letting Bruno outside for a run, she dialed his cell phone number.

One ring. Two rings. Three rings until Grissom finally answered his cell phone. Sara sighed thankfully when she heard his voice on the phone. She was glad to know he was alright, but that didn’t change the fact that she was upset that he didn’t leave a note or call her. She sat on the counter, “Where the hell are you?”

Grissom fumbled over his words slightly as he glanced around Heather’s house. Tea cup in hand, he sipped from it before setting it back on the table. His eyes slowly met Heather’s as he spoke to Sara on the phone, “I’m…uh…I’m at Heather’s place.”

If only he could have seen her eyes at that moment, he would have realized the anger and hurt she felt. She nearly jumped off the counter, “You’re where!?!” Her usually soft brown eyes were hard, cold, and almost shooting flames. She let Bruno back into the house before nearly slamming the sliding glass door shut, “I mean, you must be lying to me right now. No, let me rephrase, you better be lying to me right now. Why the hell are you over there?” She couldn’t make sense of the feelings she had coursing through her veins at the time she was talking to him.

He stammered at the overwhelming amount of feelings she threw at him at one time, “Sara, I-“

His words were quickly cut short as she raised her voice, “No, don’t you dare give me some bullshit excuse right now. I do not want to hear some damned excuse. Just tell me when you’re coming home.” She almost growled her statements as she tried to control her anger.

Grissom was slightly taken aback by Sara’s anger and tone in her voice. She wasn’t usually like that when it came to an argument between them. They had arguments, but they could easily be talked out and solved quickly before their usual make-up sex. This time, however, seemed different. He could sense the anger in her voice, but he could also sense something else. Something far away from anger. He could sense her hurting behind the anger and that was what tore him apart more than anything. He hurt her and that was the one thing he never wanted to do. He hated hurting her especially after all the times he had screwed up with her both before and after she came to Vegas. He sighed softly, “Sara, please, just listen to me. She needs me right now and…”

“Just tell me when you’ll be home, Grissom.” She hissed his name with more venom that she probably should have, but that was how she felt.

He winced visibly at the sound of his last name nearly burning its way off her tongue. The only time she has called him by his last name since they’ve been together is at work. It truly burned a hole in his heart to hear her say it as she just did. He sighed softly, “I’ll be home in the morning. I really do wish that…”

Once again, Grissom’s sentence was quickly cut short. Sara wasn’t in the mood to argue something like that over the phone, “Don’t expect me to wait up for you. Hell, don’t even expect me to wait for you before work. I really don’t care right now.” Before he even had a chance to respond, the phone clicked off as she hung up.

Grissom heard the phone click off in his ear and he sighed, putting the cell phone back into his pocket. Heather sat, relaxed, in her chair with her right leg crossed over her left as she sipped her tea. When he hung up the phone, she cocked an eyebrow at him, “Something the matter? I can see it in your eyes. You’re upset about something. I’m just not sure as to what.”

With his elbows resting on his knees, he held his head in his hands while he tried to figure out what to do. At Heather’s words, his jaw clenched slightly, “Nothing you need to worry about Heather. It’ll be fine soon enough. There will just be a few things I need to take care of when I get home tomorrow. Nothing that needs to be worried about right now. Right now…” He picked his head up to look at Heather, “Right now, I’m more worried about what is going on in your life. You nearly died, and I need to know why.”

Review if you want more. :D

I really like it, and I love the way you describe their feelings in metaphors.

I'm anxious to see what happens when Grissom goes home.

So please continue. : )
That look good. Write more.

Along it stay on PG-13 or under, like PG or G. No R or M on this board. You will be fine.

By the way, SaraGrissom, I love the song you will be writing, How do I live without you? That was my favorite song and I got that song long time ago, soon I heard it on tv and I have to get it on CD.
I've changed the rating since I first began the story and neglected to notice that at the top. Sorry guys >.< It's a WIP, and I'm having a moodswing on this story. lol. I had to restart my computer's hard drive and the documents didn't save on the CD the way they should have. Fortunetly, my sister had Chapters 1-4 that she had already betad (that a word?) for me. I had more written than that, so i have to go back and rewrite chapters 5 and parts of 6 in order to catch up to where I was. I'll probably post chapter 2 on here tomorrow or later tonight, but I just don't want to get too far ahead on here if the chapters aren't written. But stick with me guys, it'll get done, I promise!
Chapter 2:
A/N: This is what I would consider the “song based” chapter of this story. Portions of the song may be inputted throughout some other portions of the story but this is the chapter that actually contains the entire song called “How Do I Live Without You” by Trisha Yearwood.

Sara hung up the phone with Grissom and locked up the house. She moved back into the bedroom followed by Bruno. She changed into a tank-top and a pair of Grissom’s boxers before climbing into bed. Taking Grissom’s spot on the bed, Bruno jumped up to keep Sara company as he had all the nights when Grissom would work late or vice versa. She curled into the blankets, turning the television on softly in the background as she tried to sleep. She knew she wouldn’t be able to, however. She was too used to sleeping with Grissom in bed with her, holding her closely to protect her from whatever dreams may overtake her. It was going to be a long night.

How do I get through one night without you
If I had to live without you
What kind of life would that be
Oh I, I need you in my arms
Need you to hold
You're my world, my heart, my soul

If you ever leave
Baby you would take away everything good in my life
And tell me now

How do I live without you
I want to know
How do I breathe without you
If you ever go
How do I ever, ever survive
How do I
How do I
Oh, how do I live

It was a long night worth of tossing and turning for Sara since she was unable to find a spot in which she was comfortable. Her pillow felt foreign to her. She was too used to using Gil as her pillow and protector. Even though Bruno was there beside her, she still felt very alone. The bed usually contained Sara, Grissom, and Bruno, but she still felt alone even when she had Grissom’s picture lying on his pillow. Alone. She felt so very alone.

Outside, the Vegas sky was dark and cloudy which seemed to suit Sara’s mood. The weather only seemed to make her day feel drearier and gloomier than she originally thought it would. It was just one of those days in Vegas where you may never know what the weather would turn out like. The usually hot, dry heat was replaced by a colder, cloudier day. The sun was barely even shining behind the clouds which just made the world around her seem darker. Even Bruno seemed to sense the bleak weather because he crawled under the blankets with Sara. Neither one of them seemed to want to leave the bed at that very moment.

Without you, there'd be no sun in my sky
There would be no love in my life
There'd be no world left for me
And I, oh Baby, I don't know what I would do
I'd be lost if I lost you
If you ever leave
Baby you would take away everything real in my life
And tell me now

How do I live without you
I want to know
How do I breathe without you
If you ever go
How do I ever, ever survive
How do I
How do I
Oh, how do I live

Twenty minutes later, Sara finally built up the strength to move from her place in the bed despite her reluctance to move. With a bit of a groan, she moved from the bed and headed towards the kitchen. Bruno quickly followed her, knowing that after the coffee started to brew, he would get to go outside and come back in for his treat. She stared at the coffee pot as it began to fill with the brown liquid that would bring her back to her usual self. Or so she hoped. She had a somber mood about her, and she doubted it was going to go away anytime soon.

Please tell me baby
How do I go on

If you ever leave
Baby you would take away everything
Need you with me
Baby don't you know that you're everything good in my life
And tell me now

How do I live without you
I want to know
How do I breathe without you
If you ever go
How do I ever, ever survive
How do I
How do I
Oh, how do I live

how do I live without you
how do I live without you baby
how do I live....

Bruno bounded about the yard as he explored his territory once more. Sara was still staring at the coffee pot. It was the occasional times she was in a mood like this where little things could capture her attention. Drip, drip. The liquid began to rise higher within the pot. Drip, drip. She quickly turned when she heard the sliding glass door open. Through tired eyes, she could still see it was Gil. She turned her back to him once again, staring at the coffee pot once again. He sighed softly, “Sara…”

She bit her lip, trying to hold back the tears she had yet to shed, “What?”

He walked up behind her, lightly putting a hand on her shoulder, “Let me explain…please, just give me a chance. Don’t give up on me…”

She turned to face him, “Not having you tonight made me realize that I can’t live without you so go ahead. Explain away.”

I love all the reviews guys, keep 'em up! ^_^
I'm close to adding the third chapter guys. I wanna get chapter four finished, and I'm thinking about breaking chapter three into two parts because it's pretty long. I've got band camp in a few weeks and I plan to have chapter three, if not four, posted before then. Keep checking and I appreciate ALL the wonderful reviews! ^_^