Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

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I agree, Sara whould have been awesome in the dog fighting episode.

CSI might still have a #1 spot, but I wonder how much of it is people tuning into out of curiousity to see how Grissom is coping without Sara. I found this week's episode very disappointing, and I hate the forced Hodges/ Wendy ship... and I'm a Hodges fan! I had liked the way things were developing slowly between them. It was sweet. Now, without GSR, it's as if the writers are desperate to pacify us with a geek relationship. You can't replace GSR! :devil:
dirtylabrat said:
I REALLY disliked last night's episode. I'm a Hodges fan, but this thing with Wendy is so forced. You didn't miss much, if anything. :rolleyes: No mention of Sara. It was BORING!
well even so..its still really going to bug me that i didnt even see itt..and it was supposed to be on after Big Shots but i stayed up well past midnight and nothin came on.. :(
That sucks JorjaFoxFan but wasn't it on after "Big Shots"? I thought this ep. was frighting and horrific, but kept my interest. I love Warrick and Nick and Greg, Brass & Doc, but there is an empty spot without her, but bottom line I love CSI, and I'm just counting the days, till she returns,to make this show whole again, and Grissom is so cold and grumpy, and he was so happy :D and Hodges, loser :( and Wendy was 'on a date' with someone else BURN :D she's not interested in him..gag me, he'd go out with anyone who'd look at him twice, and who would that be? :mad:

'I thought this only happened in the movies" from S/7 "TOE TAGS"
Regarding Grissom's... shall we say, impatience? Sara must have had a very calming effect on him, and now her absence is making him worse. I bet in the next new episode we get (which I may have to write myself, the way things are going now) he's going to be all emo instead of angry. He was just mad before because Warrick was irritating him- first Sara leaves, now his favorite CSI has decided to do drugs, show up late to a scene, and have sex with a stripper. Wait, what? Now he's a murder suspect? And he still won't back off? Oh, that is IT. I can kind of sympathize. Some days, other people do nothing but piss me off. Grissom was kind of a misanthrope anyway (which Sara pointed out), and now he doesn't have anyone to make him feel better when people annoy him. I think Sara helped him feel like there is good in humanity- he really only gets to deal with thieves and murderers and rapists.
Hmm. I may have to work this into my plot bunny.
I love that picture! I want to see their outfits match even more, with a GRISSOM name tag on Sara's vest after she returns. :D

Sara's was Grissom's refuge from his horrific job. Be it in fantasy, or the flesh, as long as she was near, he found solace.
JorjaFoxFan I was tricked by the Big Shots thing too, but then I looked in my tv guide and found out it was on after. It was on CTV for me, I wonder why it wasn't for you??? :confused:

I can't believe that they didn't even mention Sara! All thorugh the episode I was going "This would be such a good Sara episode!" and "they better mention her soon!". My sister did not appreciate it, but that's what she gets for watching a Sara-less CSI with a Sara worshipper. I was hoping Warrick would mention her somehow. Like "Gee Grissom, you sure are irritable now that Sara's gone... Haven't you been in contact with her?" and then later it could show him getting a letter or an email from her. You don't need Jorja for a letter or email.
No mention of Sara at all in this episode which was just awful in in of itself. Grissom just seems less like himself than he used to be. I mean, if William Petersen decides it's time to step off the CSI ship, it should conclude with the show ending with the final episode being where Grissom and Sara wed, a snapshot of them with graying hair with either teenage or even college-aged children (two or three, enough to replace them when they die) and then gray-haired GSR after retiring from their careers. In a world of so much pain, this kind of conclusion could at least bring a sense of positivity into this world. It would send a message that even in a dark era, there is still joy to be found.
I think TPTB are afraid of frightening us off with constant Sara mentions (by "us," I mean fans in general) and that's why they didn't mention her. But we all know she is on Grissom's mind all the time. :rolleyes:
dirtylabrat and Axatullux, you're very poetic. :) Personally, I can't see Sara taking Grissom's name. She's much too free-spirited, and Grissom isn't old-fashioned enough to mind. Sure, he proposed, but he did it during an experiment wearing a bee suit. He didn't even use the "will you marry me" formula. Also, I think she's going to teach forensic classes in a high school or something when she comes back. Which she will. In the flesh. And when we see her the first time she will be making out with Grissom. Probably straddling him in his chair in his office. GSR smut? I love GSR smut!
So Sara is in San Fran, visiting her mother right? well, i think it's a safe bet she is also back in school, for example, going for a PhD. she is the kind of person who cannot sit in one place and do nothing.

i'm sure she'll be back. but it doesn't necessarily mean that she and Grissom will be back together like nothing happened.

i can actually visualize her comeback. she is looking extremely pretty, fresh and rested like in that commercial that followed GB&GL. Grissom is very tired, sad, and surprised to see her. a very awkward moment. i can picture it this way:

They look at each other.
S: Hi.
G: What are you doing here? (said the same way he did in TGTBATD after seeing LH leaning on his car.)
S: I came to see you.
G: Oh.
S: I uh ...
*cell phone rings in the true CSI fashion*
G: Excuse me. *short phone conversation. Sara waits, looking uneasy. He puts the phone away*
G: Sara ...
S: It's okay. I'll stop by another time. *She turns to go*
G: Sara!
*She looks at him*
G: We need to talk.
S: *sigh* I know, Gil.
G: I finish my shift at 6.

or something like that.

i don't know in what relations they are now. i don't know if they talk on the phone or have any contact at all. my guess is, they don't communicate that much, if at all.

Sara hurt Grissom. i think nobody hurt him more than she did in his life. she was the only person he ever loved and even though she HAD to do what she did, she betrayed him a bit. she agreed to marry him, she didn't tell him anything about her problems and how severe they were. she simply assumed that Grissom would understand her, b/c he did something very similar to her a year before. but it's not entirely her fault that it hurt Grissom so much. it's simply b/c he never loved anybody else.

we don't know if he is angry with her. we don't know if she let him go or asked him to wait. we know she doesn't want him with her anymore, but is she going to be back? Grissom got burned and there is no doubt about it. i'm not sure it's going to be so easy for them to get back together even if Sara comes back.
Adzix said:

They look at each other.
S: Hi.
G: What are you doing here? (said the same way he did in TGTBATD after seeing LH leaning on his car.)
S: I came to see you.
G: Oh.
S: I uh ...
*cell phone rings in the true CSI fashion*
G: Excuse me. *short phone conversation. Sara waits, looking uneasy. He puts the phone away*
G: Sara ...
S: It's okay. I'll stop by another time. *She turns to go*
G: Sara!
*She looks at him*
G: We need to talk.
S: *sigh* I know, Gil.
G: I finish my shift at 6.

Yes! i agree Adzix i can deffinatly see it happening like that..i would LIKE it happening it like that, because she would be back and most of all looking pretty..although i dont think she could look bad even if she tried..seriously watching S/1 makes you cheer up!! shes so happy and unconcerned by her job it looks like her leaving is an impossibility, so it kinda makes you forget, i recomend Sex, Lies and Larvae cause of the GSR moments and her strong attitude..DO NOT watch "the unusual suspect" it might cause you to hit your TV...just a little warning.. :D
Real life has gotten in the way again and kept me from posting.

However, I was in line at the grocery store and decided to read "Tv Guide" while I was checking out. I saw the Jorja quote WHICH I LOVED. Then I saw on the bottom of one page "Big Break-ups" and it said "Grissom and Sara." It made me so mad. They quoted the last line of the letter. Why do you torture me so TV GUIDE?


As for the comeback, I like the idea of Sara coming back off screen, Grissom being happy at work, and the the guys figuring it out and ending with all of them eating at the Diner with Sara and Grissom with rings ons.
You fans arre the best, I agree with you all, and she will return, and poor old grumpy Grissom, so private, but obviously suffering and in pain is hostile and not a happy camper, and he was so estactic in 'Ala Cart" :( their [TPTB] are showing two of the Sara based episodes, "DD" and "LD" back to back this coming week ;) HMMM, who's idea was that, are they getting baraged with letters about Jorja being gone? of all the eps. they could have showed, they picked those two, YIPEE

Crysthala said:
I think TPTB are afraid of frightening us off with constant Sara mentions (by "us," I mean fans in general) and that's why they didn't mention her. But we all know she is on Grissom's mind all the time. :rolleyes:
dirtylabrat and Axatullux, you're very poetic. :) Personally, I can't see Sara taking Grissom's name. She's much too free-spirited, and Grissom isn't old-fashioned enough to mind. Sure, he proposed, but he did it during an experiment wearing a bee suit. He didn't even use the "will you marry me" formula. Also, I think she's going to teach forensic classes in a high school or something when she comes back. Which she will. In the flesh. And when we see her the first time she will be making out with Grissom. Probably straddling him in his chair in his office. GSR smut? I love GSR smut!

I think she would take Grissom's name because she would want to leave the Sidle baggage behind her and start a new.

I'm sitting here watching the lab explosion epidsode. Sara's following him down the hall, trying to get u pher courage... Mmmm, he's going to call her Honey! I love this episode! :lol: Except for TPTB always trying to kill my Greggo. :p

The episode before this was Sara discussing how she isn't anit marriage, just anti stupidity. It's the same episode where Hodges tells Grissom that guys like them aren't the marrying kind. :rolleyes: I think we have been set up all these years, building to the day when one day we tune in and Grissom and Sara are married. Suprise! :D They didn't tell anyone, including us... and then we discover their little secret. *squeel*

And... WOO HOO to GSR smut! :lol:
i hope she changed her name. i wonder how nick hodges warrick cath greg etc. would react to MARRIAGE! mmmm..
i LOVE playing with fire haha i read your post dirtylabrat and went and put Play with Fire on. it makes me sad, pauve greggo =( but i am in love with the GSR moments. you know what else has been making me extrememly happy? NO RONNIE!! she hasnt been in any of the alst couple eps! i hate her sooo much she thinks she can just come in and take sara's place...obviously the writers second guessed themelves...thank god. :D
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