Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

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seattlegsrfan: I'm here! Glad I've been missed. I haven't been on the boards much lately. I sorta lost most of my CSI appetite, and work has been insane. My hours are all over the place!

Anyway, I have to talk GSR in here, so I guess I'm going to say that while I appreciate mentions of our beloved Sara, much as Rose was mentioned periodically in series 3 of Doctor Who, it's just not what it was.

Beyond GSR, Sara is my fav character. So, I'm saddened for her to be gone, but seriously annoyed at how GSR has been handled since she left. I know people say Gil is honering her wishes, but it just seems way too convenient. It's exposition rather than storytelling. We don't see him receive a piece of correspondance from her, or hang up the phone with "I love you, too." It's just given to us peice meal and we're supposed to be thrilled and jump up and down squeeling, but it's all reaction.

It doesn't feel like anyone is taking any action. I could see Gil maybe going out to see her on weekends. I mean, while I get her wanting time to herself, as fragile as she is, she needs someone around her who LOVES her.

Maybe her mom does, but we don't know that. We have very little confirmation of what kind of woman her mother is beyond the fact that she was probably battered and beaten and then stabbed her husband to death. That's it. We don't know if Sara is cocooned in love, right now, and the one person WE'RE certain could be there for her is the one person she can't be around for fear of self-destructing.

While I totally understand her sentiments on the subject, and wanting her space and not wanting him to see her fall apart... sometimes that's what strengthens relationships more than anything. Maybe she won't self-destruct this time, but there could be another time down the line, and she can't always run.

*shakes head* I could go on and on, but I just popped on for a few moments to read up a bit. :) Now, gotta go have dinner! :) I'm not dead, yet! :)
Make room for me on the writing team desertwind and sidlewannabe! :)

We'd write some awesome stories that make sense, we'd never drop storylines, and of course we'd have loads of GSR!!!! :lol:
WHERE IS HIS SHOWER SCENE?! The closest thing we got to a Grissomian shower is that rainy episode, but that soooo doesn't count.
Scenario: Grissom's shower scene.
*Steam is rising from the water. Grissom shots, slippery sexiness, messed-up wet curly hair, leaning back against the wall with his head back, etcetera.*
Grissom: Sigh.
*Flashback: Sara is in the shower with him.*
Grissom: *sadly* Miss you.
Sara: Miss who?
Grissom: *peeks out of curtain* SARA?!
Sara: *pulling off shirt* No time to get to bed, pal. Move. *steps into shower*
*Five minutes of making out, roaming hands, etc.*
THAT will be Grissom's shower scene.


Could we really handle a shower scene with Grissom's lathered, naked bum bum? :p Mmmm... roving Grissom hands... :D Would we really be able to concentrate on the science of the show? Because, it's suppose to be all about the science. Mmmm...slippery Grissom sexiness. :D I'm sorry, what were we talking about? :lol:
Make room for me on the writing team desertwind and sidlewannabe! :)

We'd write some awesome stories that make sense, we'd never drop storylines, and of course we'd have loads of GSR!!!! :lol:

And we could hang out with Sarah Goldfinger, Naren Shanker and top dog Carol Mendolsohn, and our lovely man David Rambo and meet Jerry Bruckheimer, and Anthony Zuiker, and they could teach us a few things or visa-versa :D and definitely give Jorja a deal she couldn't refuse

Our classy couple
I think cincoflex did the Grissom in the pool scene...Dipped, check it out; it's GSR fic:)

Alyssa, I thought Gil & Sara should be shown sharing phone calls and emails etc. so I wrote it myself. Check out my fanfic.

Did I tell you guys about the co-worker I just turned on to CSI? She's hooked big time. She watched 4 eps last night and today was saying "how could I not know about this show before? It's great".
Whatever the scenario is, whoever was meant to be a 'new love interest' for Grissom should be smashed, crushed, burned to dust and dispersed with the wind. There's only, I repeat, ONLY one who Grissom ever loved. Only one!
desertwind said:
And we could hang out with Sarah Goldfinger, Naren Shanker and top dog Carol Mendolsohn, and our lovely man David Rambo and meet Jerry Bruckheimer, and Anthony Zuiker, and they could teach us a few things or visa-versa :D and definitely give Jorja a deal she couldn't refuse

That sounds great desertwind! :) I think Sarah and David could teach us something, but we'd definitely have to teach Carol a thing or two, like when to keep her mouth shut! :lol:
That new Grissom love interest was a joke. I'm telling you, there is a line of succession after Sara... it goes Lady Heather, Catherine, Hodges, Nick, and then me. So grandma needs to take a number, and get in line. :lol:
Dirtylabrat thank you!! i agree she means nothing it was just cause were so paranoid and sad over Sara leaving that we'll believe anything but this mob chick shouldnt scare us because we should trust our Grissom :D
I have to agree with you about Carol need to keep her mouth shut about give out spoiler.

I watch last episode and I saw the mob ex-wife. That's going to be Grissom's love interested. I did not recognize her 'till someone point out that is Aunt Hilda on Sabrina, the teenager witch and she did not age right, she doesn't look good, she look old to be Grissom's age.

I don't think Nick and Greg will appreciate it, if Grissom fall for another woman since Sara left. You know, they are very protect of Sara, she been hurt too many time by Hank or Grissom in the beginning, not 2 years ago, not last season, the old day when he turn her down on a date, 'till Nesting Doll, he want to find out why Sara act the way she does and when she told him about her parents and he was thinking, "I got to stop hurting her." Then he went back to the lab and told Ecklie, he won't fire her then he look at Catherine, like he is very mad at her. Sara and Catherine are in the wrong. Sara is right about Catherine using her body to get what she want and Catherine is right about Sara use her emotion against the case and everything, but Catherine should take her to her office to talk to her. I hope I'm right about the Nesting Dollls, the writers could done better, if Catherine take Sara to her office instead in the hall where Ecklie can hear Sara.
I've never seen this woman before, never watched "Sabrina" but to me, she look's about Caths age, and remember Billy in real life is a grampa :D, and I think she's just a guest star, for the time being, we've just got to wait and see, but love interest "NO WAY" :( So, what has been your favorite ep. with our couple so far this season? best scene, moment etc. I loved the "Ala Cart" scene in the car, they were so close and chatting like an old married couple, the smiles :D also the "CARP" and the marriage proposal
the 'helicopter' scene AHHHH, so loving and he was so thankful and greatful she was OK, and for best performances "Dead Doll" and "GBAGL" from Jorja.. amazing actress, the rest bleh :(





To those who say GSR is unscientific, I say THIS!
I think that whole thing in Nesting Dolls was done on purpose, specifically to make Catherine look like an idiot and so that they won't have to make Ecklie conveniently stick his ear to the keyhole at that exact time. That would be a little contrived. Catherine screwing up is much more likely than Ecklie getting lucky (oh, shut up).
What mob chick, now? Certainly not from this last episode? Erm, I can't remember... did they even speak to each other? I was too distracted by the hallucinating shirtless Warrick. Seriously. That and angry screeching Grissom are all I can see when I think of that last ep. If Grissom is going to be having sex with anybody but Sara until she comes back, it will be Greg, or someone who looks like Sara. You know I'm right.
Awesome Chrysthala why don't you use that as your banner? and it was the blonde lady that Brass was interogating twice, about her mob connections, to the guy who was crushed in the trash truck :(
OOHHH!! it was the mob ex-wife?! OMFGOMFGOMFGOMFGOMFGOMFG!!!! nooooowaaaaayyy! lol why are we even worried??
AND i would still appreatiate it if somebody sent me screen caps from to live and die in LA ...plleeaaassee!! lol im having a Billy fetish today..and yesterday..and you get the pointt.. :rolleyes:
and i love the pic grrly
Grissom is lost in his pain over Sara leaving. Do you really think he has the energy, or desire to fall for anyone? The man is working doubles, and now he has to help save Warricks butt. When would the man have time? :rolleyes:
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