Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

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BUMMER JorjaFoxFan on the "DD" ep. good luck in finding it..and Jorja is doing a play and traveling, but I think she will miss her fans, & her team mates and come back, I wonder how she feels letting so many people down, and if she's feeling any guilt? :(


I don't want her to feel guilty. I would just like her to return to tie up some loose ends with Grissom, and not just trash a story line that has been building for 8 years. I would be happy knowing that GSR are still together, and she is pursuing other interests in Vegas, while her Bug Man is still a CSI. It would be better than this heart breaking emptinesess that we currently have. She could make guest appearances, and give us a little window into the word of GSR. *sigh* Yeah, I'd love to have her back full time, with a GRISSOM name patch on her new CSI vest. :) But I'll take what I can get. I just want them together.
maybe thats why she ripped off her nametag before she left.... so when she comes back, it will be replaced by her new name 'Grissom'
I have been thinking that all along... GOOD BYE SIDLE! HELLO GRISSOM! OMG, they would have matching CSI vests! :lol: Toooooooooooooooo Cute! :lol:

It also ties in with her waking from her desert ordeal to see Grissom's name tag. :eek: I have a theory! It could be bunnies! :lol:

Ignore me. I have had the day from hell. I narrowly escaped having two men break into my house this afternoon. My neighbor scared them off. *sigh* I'm going in search of some smutty GSR fanfiction to cheer me up. :D
wow! that ties in so well with it that its awesomely disgusting! maybe we just figured out wut will happen in the GSR future before the writers even write out in the storyline...
im frantically looking for the most recent interview given by jorja fox where she says the main reasons she left the show was to travel: surfing etc. BUUTT she said "i also would like to have a child, and thats a big thing."
SQUEEE!!!! imagine a little jorja fox!! TOOOOOOOOO CUTEE!!
JorjaFoxFan it's on the 'Jorja passionate' thread..and I know she'll be back, just a little gossip, Billy was in N.Y. on Tksg. and Jorja was their too, I'm not suggesting anything romantic, just maybe they got together and he's asking her to "please come back", she so admires him soooo it's possible

I hope WP got down on one knee and begged her to return.

CSI sucks without her. And we're all quite sad. :(
Ohh, matching vests! Wouldn't that be cute? *shimmering fantasy smile* And I'm lost in my own little GSR-filled world again...


Yes, there's been a lot of rumour and speculation-innuendo, outuendo-on whether or not there is ia mini-Jorja in our future. She did say, "I forgot to have kids!" and, as JorjaFoxFan mentioned, she did say that, "I would like to have a child, and that's a big thing."

But it's kinda hard to ride the waves when you're seven months pregnant and you can't even find a dang swimsuit that fits...Well, hopefully the surfing will come before the amazingness...that would be good.

It makes me sad that there hasn't been anything CSI:-related in TV Guide lately. I know, I know, it can't be all CSI:, but come ON, Ausiello! Give us SOMETHING!!


I do think there will be a geekbaby [should that be in a spoiler box? I'm not sure...]. I have faith in the writers. Now if only we could get this strike over and done with...the Broadway people worked it out, why can't we? *goes off to picket with WGA*
If we ever get a GSR geek baby... OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!... I would be crying, laughing, cheering, jumping for joy, grinning from ear to ear during that scene... I know that they are only fictional characters, and a lot of GSR fans don't want a geek baby... but it would be such an awesome result of their love, and the idea of Grissom being able to grow old with something more than his cocroaches, and Sara being able to give her baby the childhood that she never had and proving to herself that there isn'a a murder gene, and OMG could you imagine the look on Grissom's face when she told him she was pregnant or when he held his geek baby in his arms for the first timei!!! :D OMG!!! *faint* :lol:

Also, remember back to when Grissom found Sara up all night searching the missing persons reports, and he wanted to know what she had in her life to keep from burning out? He said that he liked to ride roller coasters, and Catherine has her kid, or kid thing... it was the way he said it that made me laugh because it was almost like he was describing something so freaky and foreign to him. :lol: Oh yeah, Grissom needs to have a baby. I'm sure they are both sick of dealing with death, and I think having a geek baby will be a reminder and incentive as to why they do what they do despite the rising murder rates and the fact that it seems pointless. You do it for the living. You do it for your children. A baby would be a big dose of life for both of them. It just gives me the warm fuzzies thinking about it! :)
That was a beautiful post dirtylabrat! :) I totally agree with you.

Also, I think it's really nice that Billy and Jorja saw each other on Thanksgiving. It those things in their professional relationship I love, like her shaving his whole beard for him, and her writing the letter to Grissom herself, etc.

I think that's why I find Grillows a little awkward. I've always found that Billy and Marg try to hard to show that their friends, (always kissing, making cutesy comments, etc.) while Billy and Jorja's relationship seems more realistic to me.
Funny you should mention the TV Guide, I just got mine today, and on the cover are two of our handsome guys, Gary and George & a Q & A session.. they do mention Jorja.. :p and inside fans comments about the "LETTER" from Sara, OMG, I got nauseous, all negative :(.. so I don't want to even post them, geez thank's TV Guide, can't they put any positive ones, it's all horrible about GSR :mad: :mad: but on geek babies, I think you've all probably seen this, but it's cute and when Jorja says "I want to have a child" that means birth right?, not I want to adopt one :confused:it amazes me when she announces something, and some fans dissect and analyze it to go along with their theories, of "what she really meant" :rolleyes:


Could you imagine a pissed off, hormonal, and pregnant Sara? Hell hath no fury... :lol: I would almost hope that she would dare Eklie to say something to her. Do you feel lucky punk? :lol: Because then I think she could plead temporary pregnant insanity if she kicked his butt. :lol:

People read TV guide? :confused:
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