Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

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I told myself I wasnt going to cry. But I cried so much. I'm still crying. I havent cried this much since graduation. I'm completely out of my mind right now and I dont know when I'll be back. I told myself I wasnt going to cry. I mean her staying and draggin him down with her would be better than what this is going to do to him and I for one really hope that the cheery guy I saw on the promo is not going to be what TPTB is going to try and pass off as Gil Grissom after the love of his life completely randomly got up and left!! *literally continues to cry*

where the heck is Alyssa to make me feel better? I need hope
Yeah, he was smiling... wtf? Sorry, I can't tune in because I just know that's it's going to be stupid and overwhelmingly insulting to the point where I'm screaming at the TV and want to break something.

I think the fanfiction authors are in shock. There hasn't been alot today. Maybe they are fed up too?
i cried to last night! and then i got mad casue i saw trhe promo for next week and in it Grissom look totally fine and i was like how can he be fine whne the love of his life left and made no mention of when she would be back. I still dont know how can Sara deal with her ghost by herself i thought therapist were there for that!
I thought the episode was amazing. It's a classic Sara centric episode. Throw in some Grissom and it's just...amazing. You see a lot of Sara's past haunting her, and it wasn't just Hannah. There was the domestic abuse case that she just froze up on. My little brother was like, "Why is she just standing there?" He wouldn't shut up either. I made him leave the room when he made fun of me crying.

I didn't all out bawl, but I was just sniffing a little. My real shock/panic/awe reaction came when I first watched the promo. If you had seen the promo, you pretty much saw most of the episode.

But they kissed. And the letter was pretty much the greatest thing ever (well, i thought so, with all the "i love yous" and stuff).

Sara is supposedly coming back. Now if we could get some writers to write her back in.
The moral of the story kiddies, is that to solve your problems you have run away and hurt everyone who loves you. Because running away fixes everything! And then you can jump ship and start rooting for Grillows, or Grissoom Hodges, or even Grissom and Judy because you know that makes sooooooooooooooooo much sense, and no one will ever question what show you have been watching for 8 damn years because now that Sara is gone the ground has been cleared for all sorts of BS to be shoveled our way. Oh look irradiated fetal piggy is giving Grissom the come hither look. Yep, I'm shipping Grissom and his irradiated pig from now on because if I shipped Grissom and his hand and tptb learned that he found any kind of happiness that too would come to an end because tptb think old Griss deserves to die alone with his cocroaches. Damn them. I think the pig can go innoticed. :(

I hope this writers strike goes on for a good long time. Enough time for everyone's contract to expire. It was GOODBYE guys, not an I'LL SEE YOU WHEN I SEE YOU... *sigh*

I'm in a rotten mood. :( And BTW, I'm not shipping anything, because I'm no longer tuning in. I just hope tptb regret the decision to trash GSR.
I hope this writers strike goes on for a good long time. Enough time for everyone's contract to expire. It was GOODBYE guys, not an I'LL SEE YOU WHEN I SEE YOU... *sigh*

I'm in a rotten mood.

Wow, um. You should join team SO. It'll do you good. Much good. Okay, Sara might be back. Jorja said that she hopes she will be back on the show. The writers strike is sort of a bitch, but it should blow over.

And although GSR seems like it's gone, it's probably not. And PLEASE don't stop watching the show. Well, I guess you can, cause ratings will go down and then they'll bring Jorja back in a split second. And whamo. We win.

We're team SO. We always do.
What is team SO and are they anti irradiated fetal piggy? Because that seems to be the only ounce of happiness Grissom is permitted.
HI, all my favorite fans.. wow my mood is still so sad.. :( I can't shake it, I didn't know it would affect me this bad. I feel like somebody died :( I actually understand where she's coming from. who wouldn't be affected by that desert scenrio that Natalie kidnapping her, and putting her under a car to die. and wandering around, lost dazed and confused.. who amonst us wouldn't be freaked by that. She just needs to get away, to protect herself,from the daily horror and rejuvenate her batteries , and get a fresh perspective. She's damaged and broken. and said "she'd self-destruct" He left her for 4 week's didn't he?, because of burnout. Those two little freak-shows Marlon and Hannah.. they'd push anyone over the edge..I think she'll realize that after she is away from all of this, that maybe she'll come back. I can't imagine this show without her :(

The letter in part~~

Know that you are my one and only, I'll miss you with every beat of my heart. Our life together was the only home I've ever really had. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love you, I always will :( cries again.. earth shattering..


It's so heart wrenching, but it was such a good episode. What are they saying in the other threads? I'm afraid to go look.
I'm clinging to that little clip on E!news yesterday...JF "I'm only stepping out for a minute or two"
The only thing that I'm noticing in the other threads are the haters who are happy that GSR is over because it "will make room for more Grillows"... honestly, I don't know what show they have been watching for 8 damn years... grrr... :devil:
Well, seattle the vultures are already surmising, that Grissom will run to Cath, :( or more absurd, he'll be 'knocking on Lady Heather's door" SCREAMS :mad: can you even imagine, that fans have these silly ideas in their minds? I think he's pretty shocked right now, & sad himself and we have to see what happens next week!
you know that promo pic with the smiley kiss, that they didnt show?????? I SMELL A FLASHBACK!! lol maybe thats why she was soooo tired??? alot of alternate scenes for flashbacks to try a last desperate plee to keep the jorja/gsr fans watching, flashbacks that we've never seen.
OMG! lol i kinda like Wedges (Hodges/Wendy) as a couple, and for those of you who didnt know thats the new romance on the show..the reason for the next ep. :rolleyes:
dirtylabrat said:
The only thing that I'm noticing in the other threads are the haters who are happy that GSR is over because it "will make room for more Grillows"... honestly, I don't know what show they have been watching for 8 damn years... grrr... :devil:

I totally know what you mean! I think while Jorja is gone, I'm only going to check this thread because I can't take all of the GSR bashing anymore.

I too am still torn about last night's episode. :(
dirtylabrat, I believed you asked what Team SO was (and I don't think you've been answered), but it's Team Stupidly Optimistic, of which most of us are members.

It tore me up to see Sara so...vacant. How she gave up on that domestic abuse case where Ronnie was trying to help the couple out and Sara was just monotone about it "we'll come back for her body in another month, or his, or both". It killed me to see her like that! I miss the Sara from Sex, Lies, and Larvae, the Sara that would have taken that asshole by the throat and beat some sense into him. I miss the Sara that threw herself into every case and personally related to the victims, even if it hurt her in the process.

I can't really be mad at TPTB or Jorja Fox for the way it played out. I'm mostly disappointed and sad. I'm not all-out sobbing, but there are definitely tears running down my cheeks.
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