She tried to let him down easy but it didnt work for me or for him. she said that she loveS him notice the "S"?? that means she still does, i cant believe shes leaving it seriously still hasnt sunk in. i might die without this forum lol.

there was a promo for 2 kisses and we only got one..maybe a flashback??? maybe thats why jorja looked SO damn tired in this ep, cause shes filming alot of alternate scenes for flashbacks in the coming episodes because they CAN NOT just cut her out of csi all together..i dont think im done with csi because i know jorja is coming back eventually [however perpetually long that may seem] and i know we all will start watching again when she comes back right? *i know we'll take any excuse to watch her pretty face in action* and when we do start watching again we will regret not watching the episodes leading up to it, because we've got to keep in tune of whats going on. Cockroaches sounds really good, appearently warrick is addicted to those pills that Sara accidentaly knocked out of his hand in goodbye and good luck? and its starting to affect his work and he is a suspect in a murder AND rumor has it that Sara has a phone covorsation with Grissom in this episode to. it wont be the same unless we actually get to see sara's face when shes talking not just her voice, i will start the killing if that happens. grr i loved and hated that 'love' note that Sara Wrote to Grissom, it was soooo cryptic she never actually said that she was leaving him if my memory is correct, she did say that i love you, your my one and only it was just sooooooo god damn cutee.