Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

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Ok- this vent is as much for my reassurance as ya'll's but here goes- after all the crap Grissom and Sara have been through over the past 7/9 years (not the least of which- sabbatical, Lady Heather, "I don't know what to do about this." ya get the point!) it is gonna take more than one psycho kidnapper bitch to split them up. ESPECIALLY after, 9 whole bloody years after meeting and falling in love with her, Grissom proposes and THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED! Ya really think she's gonna leave him now? I don't THINK so, people! Keep the faith, Milton!
PS- The ring is in the cocoon ya bloomin idiots! Check all ready!
PSS- dude, just thought of this- remember when Griss got into the helicopter at the end of Dead Doll? Of course you do, it was the greatest line in the episode- one of Grissom's best EVER! Anyway- my point- "Move over, I'M GOING WITH HER!" Hello, foreshadowing anyone!
to you all. A support group sounds great, and hellogilbert you made me laugh :lol: and your correct in your timline.. this so sucks.... I'm very much dreading this tonight, I hate crying :( we're a mess here, and it's awful, after seeing her all smiles yesterday, I was going "Jorja, what were you thinking? come back PLEASE and for tonight gang, here's to you all

The ring is in the cocoon ya bloomin idiots! Check all ready!

Huh? Did I miss something?

OK guys, I think i'm going to have some sort of panic attack/ psychotic episode waiting for this episode to air. I might be swaering at the TV and breaking things.

Yes, he loves her. He's a little thick at times, but I think he is catching on how to show her that he loves her. And Sara has loved him forever. But tptb can be really friggin evil. I just can't imagine either one of them living without the other. It can't happen. It just can't.

OK, I think I'm going to puke from the stress. How am I going to make it through this episode? I'm a nervous wreck!!!

...OK, I watched the proposal scene a couple of times and that cheered me up a little bit. She was so shocked. He looked so scared. There wasn't a doubt in her eyes that she wants to marry that man! Let's do it, indeed! *sigh*


... btw... I think the next thread should be "HE NEEDS HER"... period... *sniffle*
Shipwrecked said:
Actually, I think I'm more excited about Alyssa's post-ep analysis. It always makes me feel all GSR tingly inside.

Me too, I hope Alyssa writes an analysis for this ep. I missed them the last few weeks.
I think this episode is going to kill me. It somehow hasn't sunk in that she's leaving yet, I haven't let myself believe it, even though I've known since mid-october that it was a sure thing. To make matters worse, I have a choice between watching it after my sister gets home (which will be between 10 and 10:30) or watching it alone. I'm exhausted, and I wanted to go to sleep early today but I can't watch it alone. If it was any other episode, I'd just watch and be fine, but I don't want to be sitting alone on the couch crying. :( :( :( :(

You know how when you cry for a while, your vision blurs? Well, I think I'm going to miss the last 10 minutes or so, because I cried a hell of a lot at the promo. Imagine how sad this episode will make me!

I'm scared, and I think I should've stuck with my original plan not to come on here until after I watched the episode tonight. Now I'm getting all stressed and freaked out. :( :(
OMG! I am shaking with nervousness... Yes, me 2, I am on the same boat as everyone else. This is probably gonna be the most emotional/dreaded/exciting episode ever.
I said I wasn't going to watch CSI tonight.

Then my friends bailed on me. One had a sick kid, ther other is just a party pooper.

Now I'm sitting here watching the clock. God help me, I don't want to watch Sara lose it.

Because then I'll lose it.

I want to stay in my happy little "everythings ok and they are living happily ever married after" bubble.

I'm not... I'm not ready to say Goodbye.

Hey guys, here on the west coast I'm still waiting. But, I did see the E!News bit on JF & things are looking a little bit better for the promised return:)
I guess she's (sob) finally (sob) ready to (sob) say "goodbye" (tortured groan followed by anguished sob and this is seriously what I've been doing for the last half hour I'm not being silly)
i can't believe she left him. i can't BELIEVE it yet. i'm heartbroken for grissom. i think this is partially what he was scared of the most. my poor poor grissom. i just don't understand why she didn't want to talk to him about it at least. the guy asked her to marry him for god's sake! i think this was a bit cruel on her part to do that to him in such way.
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