Grissom/Catherine/Lady Heather--A Slap and a Whip

I think LH would have that little amused expression on her face (like in their first episode when Gil was looking through her room), and would quietly study the other two.
ooohhh I see a game of strip poker. Each one trying to 'outsmart' the next.
Oh, the looks they would give each other would be fantastic :devil:

and... I was picturing this... someone could touch someone else.... then (I will stop there)


and where do you think all these situations would take place?

The 'hermetically sealed' townhouse
Cath's family home
the Dominion

Maybe they could go on tour and see who gets the best of 3?! Mwahaha, some form of punishment for the loser LOL. My mind is sick!

Godam, a Purewhipperjoy game of strip poker, now that is HOT!
For the question of "where?" -

* Cath's house would be out (gotta think of Lindsey, you know)
* The Dominion - hmmmm, I think that would be too clinical & impersonal for something with these three (unless it's in Heather's private part of the place)
* That leaves Gil's "hermetically sealed townhouse" - after all, he has a big screen tv in the bedroom (all the better for them all snuggling together while watching a sappy movie), and you know that if the two ladies spend a lot of time there, they would have put more "womanly touches" to the house than what we saw earlier.
I think you are right about where kaylyne...

Cath's house would be a no-go but since she was part of the trio, I thought I would throw it out there...

The Dominion on the other hand would have all the **achem* nessicary equipment achem** but maybe Heather does have a 'special room' for 'special guests' :lol:

As for Gil's place; Well Lord knows he could use a woman's touch anyway. I'm sure the walls are covered in bug stuff.
Maybe he does have a 'special room' also. :devil:
Boy, Heather, that strip poker idea was hawt! And the touching idea! :eek: I suddenly have this evil idea, you know, I think Gil might be fascinated in seeing Catherine and Lady Heather... *censored* :devil:

Amen to the canon chemistry between Gil and Lady Heather and to "what is normal sex".
Hottie_Cath said:
^^^^LOL! :lol: :lol: whaaa??? so ams want a FAL and SOLV crossover?!? scritching and yiffing + whipping and slapping... kinky!

God, you just made my night.

I would definitely love to see a crossover. :p

We need pics from the latest episode...
+ = daddy likes :lol:

Thanks for the pics! :p

EricaSJ said:
Boy, Heather, that strip poker idea was hawt! And the touching idea! :eek: I suddenly have this evil idea, you know, I think Gil might be fascinated in seeing Catherine and Lady Heather... *censored* :devil:

Amen to the canon chemistry between Gil and Lady Heather and to "what is normal sex".

*snicker* Erica, you're hysterical. :devil: And very, very bad ;)
19ams87 said: Gaaaaaaaaaawd damn, you gave me some good mental images LOL. Thaaaankya.

You're very welcome! ;)

And kaylyne I think you're right about LH's expression. God, it's been too long since I've seen a LH epi! I better start digging out my dvds...
Does anyone else find it extremly hard to remind PG13 in this thread?! Pfft, its a hard job.

I also think Gs place would be the best play to have 'strip poker' championships, although maybe Cath's mum (can't remember her name atm?) could look after Lindsey while they have 'playtime?' mwahaha.
yes, it is hard to keep it PG in here, but that is what the fics are for.

And since Grissom can't be the submissive all the time, what about Cath? I'm sure she would enjoy being the Dominate but sometimes she might want 'be the switch' and play the submissive once in a while.
I think the same would be true with Lady Heather too.

I'm sure Grissom would have just as enjoyable time Dominating these two as well. :lol: :devil:
Haha, it's called "debating", not "arguing". All I was saying was, The Great Ship Debate thread is there for this reason. To state why or why not you are for a certain ship and why. You don't think Gil would participate in this sorta thing? Say it there. This thread is for those who wouldn't mind speculating on what could've been (or for the obscenely hopeful, what might still be!). Anyway, I won't go on about this anymore.
Actually, negative comments are allowed in this thread as long as it's not considered bashing. Which I hadn't seen. So, let's not attack anyone for having a negative opinion. If there's a problem you can click the "notify moderator" button. thanks
My bad. I was always under the impression that's what The Great Ship Debate Thread was for. Just so there aren't any out of control arguments, hurt feelings and such in the specific ship threads. I was trying to be preventative, not instigative. Sorry I came off that way. :(
Same here, edog. I thought that's what that "ship debate" thread was for. Now that I know I can actually say something negative about other ships in their own thread, as long as it's in a calm and debating manner... okay, you know I won't go there. I know a certain canon ship thread where I would immediately be castigated to no end and flamed immensely for even expressing the most minor negative thoughts about that ship, and chastised for expressing it in their ship thread. Double standards, I guess. But, I digress.

That's not what our threesome is about anyway. It's about power and control, and relinquishing that power. Remember, it's the submissive that has all of the control, so I can see Cath being a "switch" - you know she'd definitely give up her control in certain situations. We know that she & Gil know all about silk, as well as the scritching & yiffing. And if I remember correctly, Catherine knows about those weird costumes (Dutch, the Detroit Lions' mascot?) I'm sure our three would gladly all take turns.