Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

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i hope they touch on this scene again =) even if not in the show like an interview or something. I think Grissom went to find her yet he looked kind of surprised to see her there :p regardless...
I'm glad we finally got a kiss that wasn't all angst and goodbye [= it was so passionate, you can really tell that they're so in love with one another. i'm hearing alot of naysayers talking about how they're happy that GSR is finally over, and i pray that's not the case! they'll keep him alive in spirit :thumbsup: we probably won't get a guest-star appearance until next season, but i hope they do it with Jorja and Billy...and maybe baby, after that kiss hehe. :adore:
Grissom will be back in the 200th episode, is this season, about Jorja..i don't know ( she is always the big secret), call me optimistc, but i don't think is the last time we listen about the GSR
yes, good ending and all that jazz but where is Hank? the dog lol i feel sorry for him
is joke ,surely is a wonderful ending without a word they say all only i can say thank you Jorja & Billy :)
now is time to FF maybe baby, wedding... :)
I really hope that they will touch on this scene again, maybe when WP guest stars somewhere done the line. Although I agree that it probably won't be until next season sometime. I mean what an ending for GSR :drool:. After all the angst they went through they are finally happy and in each other's arms again :adore:.

I'd love for Jorja and Billy to guest star together. Maybe Grissom and Sara could visit the lab, or visit the team for a personal announcement??? Whatever it is, it will be great.

And I agree Desert, god was this ep kept under lock and key! Yes there was little hints here and there, but nothing to prepare me for the rain forest scene. It was brilliant, no words were needed to make this scene even better than it was. It was perfect, such a romantic ending :luvlove:. And it shows how far Grissom has come.

From being afraid of his feelings for her, to embracing them and running with them, Grissom has finally found his happiness. He thought work was all he needed, but then he realized he could never fight his growing feelings towards Sara. I believe he truly realized that maybe in the episode Committed? Sara was nearly taken from him then. Or perhaps it was Grave Danger, when any one of them could have been in that glass coffin, depending on what shift received the case slip. He remembered just how short life could really be, and he had held his life on hold. A waging war between his heart and his mind finally ending with the heart victorious.

Season 6 maybe he was still slightly nervous of his now romantic relationship with Sara? But in season 7 he had settled, he was happier compared to the previous seasons. He felt comfortable enough to risk exposure and he say would miss her in the lab's locker room. I mean anyone could have walked in. When she was kidnapped I think the audience grasped just how precious Sara was to him. We knew she was important to him, but when that occured we understood the full nature of it. Just to see the look on his face; the anxiety and the anguish. It was heart breaking. And when he was with her in the helicopter, clenching her hand, willing her to wake up you could see the pain in his eyes.

The proposal was handled in very well, definitely in his character, so when people say he has become someone different? :wtf: I don't believe that at all.

So what does everyone else think? Am I accurate at all? It was just my analysis of my own observations throughout years, my 2 cents if you will :lol:.

Thank you writers and thank you Billy and Jorja for creating and sustaining this beautiful relationship! :bolian: :)
Grissom will be back in the 200th episode, is this season, about Jorja..i don't know ( she is always the big secret), call me optimistc, but i don't think is the last time we listen about the GSR
the Director who directed "cockroaches" is coming back to do the 200th ep and him and WP are good friends if you've listened to the commentary on that episode from S/8 so it's confirmed that Billy will be back for this episode, but it's said that he might not appear on screen, if Jorja is coming back for that episode, then he most likely will be, but i haven't heard anything about her having plans to come so soon. :( sorry to burst the bubble :rolleyes:
I'm so happy that everything is forgiven with them, it shows the strength of their relationship :adore:
I personally doubt that we will see either of them back this year. Maybe in the future, but who knows. It was such a perfect ending, or beginning, for their characters so I don't think they feel the need to come back. CSI needs to move on, and hopefully we will hear of them on occasion through the remaining characters. I do hope they will return someday, together.
THANK'S fans for all your exceptional remarks
this was over the top, and we couldn't have had a happier ending, the look's the "thank gawd, we're together finally" she waited and he came to her, she couldn't take the horror of Vegas, and neither could he, and Warrick was the last straw. He knew he had to be with his heart, mind body and soul "the only one he ever loved" and they're happy in the rainforest, he's got her and his "bugs":lol: & she's got him "I've loved you forever" and that kiss, WHOA, could he be anymore passionate?:drool:And then they took it to the tent~


And MissMurder fabulous wallpaper.. good job..
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I LOVED IT! MY WORD! It was totally squee worthy!

But I have to say, my GSR faith has totally been on the rocks! And I couldn't even enjoy GSR moments anymore because that little niggling voice would come and say something that would make me doubt if it was real or maybe they were saying something else or what if? And YOU KNOW! My gosh, it was HORRIBLE!!!!


TPTB,all is forgiven, you should be knighted!!!

My word, now I'm going to wait to get back to South Africa and freak the living day lights out of my South African GSR'ers. =D

Haha. Wooooot!
i'm wondering what is in store for us in ep 200 and whether there will be anything beyond that. i'm pretty sure our ship is very secure right now, and i wouldn't be surprised if they got married or, yes, i'm saying it, Sara got pregnant.

i was always on the team anti-baby but now the situation has changed. neither of them is working odd hours at the lab, dealing with death, depression or burn out. instead, they are doing what is safer, what they are both passionate about, and what doesn't put their relationship in danger. they are out of the closet, and it seems almost a natural of a step for them to get married, and if lucky, have a baby.

i know there was a talk of bringing a baby into the picture on the show a season or two ago and both WP and JF dismissed the idea, but i can't stop wondering what they would say to it now. since they are not regulars on the show they wouldn't have to change diapers every episode. instead, it would bring some acting challenge to the roles of both characters, and quite a variation to the track of the personal storylines established early on in season 1.

btw, if anybody is looking around in search of animated and still icons smilar to my avie from the last episode's make out scene, i have made a batch you can view right here. ;)
I think that's a marvelous idea and your right about no pressure anymore, they're free, do be together and do what comes naturally if you know what I mean,:drool: and I don't expect them to return this season, [he's doing his play] but in saying that Jorja went to see him in Chicago, HMM, what did they talk about after she saw him? But I'm betting on it that they both return in S/10..And I loved his look except the hat again.. he really loves that hat, but he looked cute casual, and wrinkled, and her too, after all they're in the jungle, does anyone know where this was filmed?





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hm i thought Grissom could back for take Hank, i'm still thinking where he is LOL or something like that... hmmm Billy backing for epi 200th like producer is very interesting. JorjaFoxFan, I'm very happy with our end...when they back if they back...will be great:)
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Well everyone, I couldn't be happier.
I absolutely loved this ending!. It said so much, without any dialogue-- so Grissom.

Even my husband teared up...

When things weren't looking so positive for our couple, I kept the faith and imagined a happy scene like this one for "the end".

Although, my fantasy was Grissom standing alone on a small wooden dock somewhere on the Pacific Coast waiting for Sara's ship to come back to port. The ship pulls up, Sara sees him there waiting, and their eyes meet ...well you know the rest. Much like our "real ending".

Anyway, good wishes to all in this thread... I am so glad this went out on a super positive note. I don't think I could have endured a bad one, especially now that Billy is gone.. I so love CSI.

I think that's a marvelous idea and your right about no pressure anymore, they're free, do be together and do what comes naturally if you know what I mean,:drool: and I don't expect them to return this season, [he's doing his play] but in saying that Jorja went to see him in Chicago, HMM, what did they talk about after she saw him? But I'm betting on it that they both return in S/10..And I loved his look except the hat again.. he really loves that hat, but he looked cute casual, and wrinkled, and her too, after all they're in the jungle, does anyone know where this was filmed?






Good for your hubby HoneyBee he sounds like a real romantic, that's sweet, and I can't think this took a bit of the sting out of Billy's & Jorja's departure, cause' it was so magnificent, but I will still miss them with "every beat of my heart" hurry back Billy/Grissom and Jorja/Sara:p
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Hi fans, hope your all well, and just a heads-up, over on the 'shipper' video thread I posted the 'last scene" take a look and enjoy, and I also found where they were in the last scene in Costa Rica~ he's got his bugs, & critters, and he's got her and she's got him :p



it seems the excitement on this thread has run it's course :( i was reviewing some old GSR threads, and all the people who used to talk on there, it's astounding.. it's too bad about 80% of them are no longer here =[ i hope it's just the forum they've lost faith in and not the ship :borg:

aanywho , the "last scene" video has officially taken over youtube :rolleyes: i've found at least 15 different uploads of the exact same thing :lol: which naturally means i've watched it for so long i now know it off by heart :D

it's the perfect paradise retreat for them to just get away from everything, but i hope they do a follow up sequence on them when JF and WP guest star again, because i want to know what happens after the rain forest is all over and done with...because then they'll be faced with the decision of like...where to go which actually shouldn't be too hard now that Grissom doesn't work in vegas anymore. but TPTB are going to have a huge decision to make now because it took them EIGHT YEARS to agree on GSR and get a proposal scene, but it was obvious that not everybody agreed on it because a follow up was never done on it, so after all this buzz about a pregnancy, they will have to address it somehow..:cardie:

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